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Braille Battlefield
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Posted: Thursday, December 30, 2010 - 01:07 PM UTC
Rob: That interior looks great, how difficult was that to put together?

Jan: Exactly, that's precisely what I'm here for, learning and having fun

Michael: Your T-34 looks real good, how did you paint it?
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Western Australia, Australia
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Posted: Thursday, December 30, 2010 - 07:13 PM UTC

After a Tamiya TS6 primer, I used Vallejo Russian green brush painted overall.

Subsequent coats were dry brushed using yellow ochre to lighten. I then "scrubbed" a 25/75 mix into the centre of different areas to enhance the base finish. Scrubbed means very dry brush being used.

Oil wash filters, pin washes and dot filters added to the weathered effect I was after.
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Posted: Thursday, December 30, 2010 - 07:27 PM UTC
Thanks Michael. Your painting and weathering brought a lot of life to a single colored canvas on that T-34. I hope to give your technique a try on a future T-34 build that I have in the works.

I'm guessing that you use sable brushes for hand painting?
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Western Australia, Australia
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Posted: Thursday, December 30, 2010 - 07:40 PM UTC
I certainly do. Mostly flats. Once the brush becomes tatty it gets second duty as a filter brush or pigments scrubber.
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Ohio, United States
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Posted: Thursday, December 30, 2010 - 07:54 PM UTC
Some great builds going on here!! Unfortunately my progress has been a little slower:

BTW, the bogies are 9 parts each. I have to say I'm not real happy with this Aber kit so far. The plastic is pretty soft and there are lots of mold seams to be cleaned up. The PE is beautiful though, but very fragile. It took me a while to get those track guides in the right shape and onto the bogies. It was worth the effort though, they look much better than the plastic blobs I carved off. (@Maurice: I think you're correct in that we are partially working on the same kit. All the plastic parts in mine are by Extratech, the name is molded onto the sprues.

@Michael: Great finish on that T-34. I was wondering if that type of finish was even possible without an airbrush. I'll definitely have to try it on my Sherman!!

@Jan: please update my (dutchboyinohio) status on the chart. It's still blank. So far I've committed to a new build of this Aber M4A3 76(W) Sherman. I'll probably try to build at least one more (I've got plenty to keep me occupied for a few years!!)...

Happy New Year everyone!!!
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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Thursday, December 30, 2010 - 09:22 PM UTC
Hey Jan, Jeremy and others

I have both Revell 251 kits and all Dragon 251 kits (and most even doubles, triples,..), and I would say that the Dragon kits are very slightly better detailed than the Revell kits, but the Revell kits win hands down for ease of assembly, but this might depend on whether you like the DS tracks and PE or not.

The interior went together without any trouble whatsoever. I forgot to shave off some pegs until after my first paintjob, though. (Should read the manual before gluing.)

I would build it any time again. Besides, if you want an early Stummel, it's the only game in town.
(Thinking about combining the gun mount with a Dragon 251D, to make the early /9D).

Happy New Year !

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Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 - 12:56 AM UTC
Thanks Jan the truck is for the soft skined campaign.
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Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 - 02:40 AM UTC
Back from the land of spuds and guinness, to find the bren carrier has finally arrived.
If ever I needed any inspiration to get back into the build it is here on this thread.
Great work folks and I'll be hacking up the bren tracks to get it to fit my bedford with a nasty hangover tomorrow.

Happy New Year everyone!
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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 - 04:31 AM UTC
@sabredog - Michael, sincerest thanks for finding the time to post some images and comment on your painting techniques. You are a master when it comes to bringing life and interest to what otherwise would be a dull monochrome subject.

@dutchboyinohio - Thanks for pointing out my omission, Mark. The chart was updated prior to my posting this message. I can't imagine what you must have had to go through to bend those skids on the suspension units. Nine parts to each bogie! I thought the Dragon ones were bad enough with about half that number.

@Rob_Haelterman - Thanks for the heads-up on the 251's. I built a Matchbox, several Fugimi and an ESCI 251/1 in the past and they are quite plain compared to the Revell and Dragon offerings.

@jaypee - Glad to see you back and that the carrier has arrived. One might consider that what you are about to create, to be an early guntruck!

I'd like to take this opportunity to offer everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 - 05:40 AM UTC
Hi Jan not only am I finsihing the Panzer III. I am finishing a Diamond T and an ex JB Models Saracen shown here:

Happy New Year

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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 - 09:32 AM UTC
Braille Treadheads,

I've been dropping by often to check things out over here. Quite a few beautiful finished builds already with plenty of progress on the ongoing builds. 19 pages with over 20,000 hits and half a hundred participants already in this campaign . . . there should be a law against having this much fun!

I'm very pleased and happy to see so many braille builders coming together to participate, enjoy and share. I'm especially glad to see that quite a few of the participants are making an effort to try out a build in this small scale. And hopefully we will be seeing more participants join in on the fun (do not allow Jan a moments rest ).

I can't wait to finish with the current project that I'm working on so that I too can join in on the fun. That should be real soon.

I would like to take this moment to thank both Jan Etal (tread_geek) and Matthew Lention (firstcircle) for hosting this outstanding campaign and Gary Kato (GaryKato) for his dedicated support with this campaign and all of the other ongoing campaigns.

Wishing everyone a Happy and prosperous New Year

-Eddy & Hieu
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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 - 01:27 PM UTC
Ok! stick a fork in it I am done.

Jan, I just traded a vac kit for a Dragon 1/72 Sherman Mk III, Lets see if the quality of the kit will make differance.

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Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 - 02:40 PM UTC

Nice start on the Diamond T tank transporter. Do you -- or anyone -- know if you can get away with putting a 1/72 scale tank on the trailer? Are the two scales -- 1/76 and 1/72 -- close enough to pull it off?

The reason I ask is that the Diamond T is a nice kit but I've never found an Airfix 1/76 tank suitable enough to built to go with it.

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Texas, United States
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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 - 06:43 PM UTC
Michael: Great! It's good to hear that I'm on the right track then

Jaymes: Love the Diamond T! Can't wait to see the paint on your projects

Rob: Thanks! That was an insightful response. Sounds like the same thing I'm going to find between the Trumpeter and DML Elefants.

Mark: No worries, you have more progress than I do.. a lot more

Bob: Nice, which kit is that?
And the Dragon 1/72 Shermans are way awesome!

Brian: Wespe makes a 1/72 Diamond T and trailer equivalent to that 1/76 set.
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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 - 07:00 PM UTC
Jeremy, PST is the kit manufacture and the only real problem were with the indie tracks. They would be the first item that needs to be attended to. make sure they are removed correctly (look at those that are rounding the drive and idler wheels, they are missing the shoe outside of the wheel becuse I cut them too short. Second plan them out by placing them in different configureations before you glue them to the wheels. Other than that it was a decent kit.

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Texas, United States
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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 - 07:05 PM UTC
I've never looked at a PST kit before, may check them out sometime. I'm not looking forward to indy tracks in this scale, but the rubber band tracks are usually horribly thick so I don't have much choice. Would be nice if vendors over here would carry PE tracks for braille armor.
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 - 07:14 PM UTC
Jeremy, I have another kit if you want it I will not build it but I will take a pic and post the photo for you.


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Texas, United States
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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 - 07:24 PM UTC
Thanks Bob, I may take you up on that offer
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Western Australia, Australia
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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 - 09:38 PM UTC
I have this kit and it is a pretty good kit in the box.
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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2010 - 10:42 PM UTC
Happy New Year Guys !

This one is not in the campaign (as I entered it in the softskin campaign), but it's Braille and this MPK Demag is such a lovely kit, so I just wanted to share what I finished on New Year's eve !


(Clickable pix - if you want to read more about this kit:

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Posted: Saturday, January 01, 2011 - 03:44 AM UTC

Happy New Year to ALL!!!

What is going on here??? Not only is another year passed us by but so has page #19! We are at the beginning of our third month of the campaign and now well over 20,000 views, pushing 21,000! I would like to take this opportunity to say "well done...good job...phenomenal participation..."

I am fortunate enough to be able to move the standings to the top of this page with modifications to indicate that our third member has successfully fulfilled the campaign requirements. I'll respond with comments a bit later as my forlorn builds are demanding attention.

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Posted: Saturday, January 01, 2011 - 09:10 AM UTC
@newfish - I really hope that you can get the Diamond T done. The poor thing has been languishing in the "shops" for too long. The Saracen looks cool. I have a JB Saladin in the stash but never ran into a Saracen. Are you going to do a two colour camo on it?

@Braille - Eddy, after that comment about no rest for me, keep your eyes peeled as there may be a sniper on every corner.

@Bigrip74 - Congratulations, Bob. You are number three across the finish line. Treat yourself to a triple chocolate mocha fudge decadence. As for the Dragon Sherman, they are very nice kits but have a fair amount of tiny parts and in some cases rather large sprue gates. Oh, watch out for the VVSS bogies! From the two I have built and others experience, the pin that joins the front and back halves is a tad long.

@Rob_Haelterman - Always nice to have anything that promotes the scale posted.

It's turned out to be a rather quiet but productive day and I made progress on three current builds. Most important was pre-shading and base coating the StuH and getting the last of the upper hull parts on. I have been toying with the idea of a rack or railing on the rear to hold some "junk." Now to decide what type to build as these seem to be "field expedient" additions and they seem to take various shapes and forms.

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Texas, United States
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Posted: Saturday, January 01, 2011 - 12:02 PM UTC
Jan, thanks for the info. I will take a long look before any building and map out my squence first.

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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, January 01, 2011 - 11:19 PM UTC
Jan I will get that Diamond T finished for this campaign. I think if it waits any longer it could retire . The saracen is now available under the Airfix label as they have brough all the JB models moulds. yepp I plan to go for the two tone camo

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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, January 02, 2011 - 09:09 AM UTC
@newfish - All your news is great Jaymes. The local shops don't seem to carry much Airfix lately. The closest is in the stages of reorganizing after having been sold. However, they told me that in the mean time they will accept orders with a one week delivery time. I did the Airfix release of the JB Model Light Guns in the past and also have the 4 Ton Bedford in the stash.

The StuH continues to slowly progress. After three attempts (and droppings) to attach the Notek light, it finally proved to be gobbled up by the cursed model part gnomes. After copious searching for a replacement in the parts boxes I had to resort to scratching my own from various sprue pieces.

Would you believe that I dropped the new one three times also! Finally got it GLUED in place.

I toyed with scratching new skirts but decided to try to improve the kit ones. Their edges are nice and thin but you could see a very definite ridge caused by the moulding process. Out came the Dremel, files and sandpaper.

With hull dry fit and one skirt dry fit.

This was supposed to be a simple "completion!"
