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Braille Battlefield
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, December 24, 2010 - 03:02 AM UTC
Merry Christmas guys! I have had a sort out of my builds and I am going to finish my Panzer III Ausf M also here is the state it's in right now I've not touched it for a while.

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Posted: Friday, December 24, 2010 - 06:46 AM UTC
Hi Jaymes,
Pz 3 looks good. Is that the Revell kit?

Here's a shot of my Pzh 2000 from a few days back. Since this photo I've finished the camo and base coated the tracks.

I've also base coated my SLT 50 trailer, next job is to finish of the Faun Elefant build. Hand painting the Pzh 2000 camo took ages, the Faun and SLT 50 camo is going to be a marathon.

Merry Christmas to all.


[Edit: Looks like I've clutzed-up loading the photos again. I've got pressies to wrap, so it'll have to stand as is for now, sorry folks]

I fixed it up for you. Refer to the "For Those New to Armorama Campaigns" thread to see how to load photos into a post.
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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Friday, December 24, 2010 - 07:51 AM UTC
@newfish - Welcome back, Jaymes. I'll amend the chart is a day or so. I take it that that is a Revell kit?

@naimbrain Merry Christmas to you and all also. I too am currently taking a short break from wrapping. Only one more to go.

Seasons Greetings,
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, December 25, 2010 - 06:16 AM UTC
Merry Christmas guys! . Inedeed it is the revell kit. I am going to order some after market sets in the new year and crack on.

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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Monday, December 27, 2010 - 07:51 AM UTC
@naimbraine Congratulations on getting the photo up. I have eliminated it from my previous post. The camo looks pretty good for being done by brush.

@newfish - I'll have to see about getting one of those Pz III's, if I can find one in my area.

Sure has been rather quiet here. Is everyone getting over their Christmas Cheer or diligently at their workbench!

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Zurich, Switzerland
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Posted: Monday, December 27, 2010 - 08:53 AM UTC
Going all the way again Jan, ay? Nice homepage!

So, about a week before Christmas I got to finishing the build for my entry for this campaign. Next it's up to the painting stage. The green line along the turret is my pathetic try at a weld seam in 1/76 scale...

Cheers everyone!
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South Carolina, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 27, 2010 - 02:26 PM UTC
I believe I will start with this diminutive duo, DML’s 1/144 scale Panzer Korps #40 – Tiger I Initial Production. I do not know how historically accurate they are, but these two little guys are pretty detailed for such a small scale.

The obligatory “start” image:

The set has two Tigers in it. One is the s. Pz. Abt. 502 “103” w/ Snorkel Fording Pipe, which has 18 plastic parts, 4 PE parts, and 2 vinyl tracks:

The other is the s. Pz. Abt. 501 “243”, which has 24 plastic parts, 4 PE parts, and 2 vinyl tracks:

Both kits have the same decal sheets with 19 decals on each. Am I insane or what?
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Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Monday, December 27, 2010 - 08:42 PM UTC
Looks good, Stefan. Some nice additions to the old venerable Matchbox kit. Especially the track guards adds some extra detail and scale. Looking forward to see more.

Interesting choice, Jeff. It will be interesting to see what you get from these small Tigers.
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Posted: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 - 03:33 AM UTC
@majjanelson -Now that is the spirit, Jeff! Other than airliners and an F-14 I have yet to experience a vehicle in 1/144 scale. The kit looks like it has quite nice detail and I must say that the packaging is quite impressive. I must also say that I'd have nightmares on how to paint those diminutive cats. And even individual tracks!

Quoted Text

Going all the way again Jan, ay? Nice homepage!

Thanks Stefan! .;-H After my experiences with the last campaign I needed to do more to keep on top of things. That campaign had 42 entrants and this one is already at 49. Doesn't seem like a lot more but with all the action it is easy to lose track.

Quoted Text

So, about a week before Christmas I got to finishing the build for my entry for this campaign...

As Jesper commented, I am also quite impressed with the additions that you have made to the T-34. You know of my soft spot for seeing wire grab handles, especially in this scale. Although I must say, that bright blue plastic is rather distracting.

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Katowice, Poland
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Posted: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 - 06:55 AM UTC
Hello Everybody!

The Flitz is finaly finished

Radek "Verydifficoultsurename" Rzeszotarski
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Posted: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 - 08:00 AM UTC
Great work going on guys well done..

Well got some more paint on.
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 - 11:13 AM UTC
Alright guys, here's the plan:

I'll be building the Dragon Elefant as a test run, then...
I'll build up the Trumpeter Elefant nice and proper, and if I have time...
I'll build the Trumpeter Ferdinand as a follow up

Either that or I'll just go stark crazy trying to build these little things
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 - 11:33 AM UTC
@Radek superb finishing skills man!
@Scott nice Nato scheme. Are you still doing the Tusk?
@Jeremy your going to be seeing double for a long time!!!

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Katowice, Poland
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Posted: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 - 06:51 PM UTC
@ Scott Very nice camo scheme! Looks great and sharp! Keep going.

@ Jeremy I think this trio is a great choice. Didn't You think to buy PE sets for Trumpeter? Additional fenders and details could be a great addition.

@ Jaymes Thanks a lot, but still I must improve many elements in my painting and weathering. Hope You like my next project which is:

And I've already started:

Sorry for Polish descriptions. Unfortunatelly I deleted my original photos of the turret Next one will have English subtitles So far I've added bolts and rivets to the gun mantlet, replaced the barrel ending, flattened turret's roof, added the small hatch on the roof and drilled holes for turret machine gun. Next steps soon.
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - 03:01 AM UTC
Radek sleek new project you are rather busy! interesting subject! great start.

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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - 04:39 AM UTC
Edit: Chart Moved

I thought that I'd start this new page by updating our chart and to welcome our 50th member, Mika (mharviala).

@Radek - another superb job! The condition of that Opel makes it look more like it belongs in a scrap yard. Once you post a picture of the Opel in the official gallery I will mark you as having fulfilled the campaign requirements with your two finish builds. I take it that the R35 is the RPM kit?. I managed to have Santa bring me an RPM Vickers 6 ton, but I'll save that for the White Eagle Campaign.

@Scott - the Abrams is really starting to look the part. I have always liked the NATO three colour scheme. With all that "junk" on the back it looks more like an RV (motor home) than an instrument of destruction.

@vonHengest - Talk about biting off more than you can chew, Jeremy! Just concentrate on one of those beasts as any one qualifies as a new build. Seems like a good time for you to find a copy of the "Tank Overhaul" of the Elefant.

***Note to all Participants***

Even if you fulfill the campaign requirements, there is no reason that you can't build more models during this campaign. Any kit completed during the time that the campaign runs will be included in a future feature.

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Katowice, Poland
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Posted: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - 07:06 AM UTC
@ Jan - the R35 is RPM kit but I'm going to use Modell Trans suspension and tracks. Original ones are terrible. First I predicted this model for "White Eagle Campaign" too, but finally I decided to make it here because I love this campaign

Are you sure that Vickers is from RPM? As I know it is produced by Mirage Hobby and UM only. Anyway both are good models so such a gift is a really nice thing If You have any questions regarding Polish Vickers don't hestitate to ask. My friend is real expert in Polish pre-war tanks and he has tons of materials.
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Posted: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - 08:23 AM UTC
@Radek Thanks for your offer and I will be sure to take advantage of it when the time comes. And yes, I was totally mistaken about the kit. It is the Mirage kit #72603, "Czholg Vickers E Mk A." I noticed the "Czolg" ('Tank' for non Polish people) and just assumed it was RPM. I also failed to notice that it's contact information was for "Warszawa" nor that they had a Web site. The last time I experienced a plastic kit from Poland was when relatives from the Krakow area sent me a 1/72 Iskra trainer and a model of a famous Polish Navy Destroyer in the late '70's. I also recall them sending me cardboard models of famous buildings and I believe even a tank and an aircraft.

I had a quick look at the kit and I noticed that you can build one of two versions, the 1933 or the 1936. Unfortunately they only provided the earlier versions Hotchkiss machine guns. The later one had what appears to be the Vickers water cooled models.

Jan -

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Posted: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - 08:51 AM UTC
Thanks for the feed back guys much appreciated.

Jaymes.. I must chase up my order from Track and Troops for the tusk set thanks for the reminder.

Well made a start on painting "the junk".

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Western Australia, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - 10:12 AM UTC
Some fantastic work going on here. Excellent stuff!

My T34-76 model 1940 is just about completed. I have a concept for a base as well so that work starts soon.

My other build, a UM BA-6 is progressing as well. The suspension is very fiddly and it took several hours just to get the rear wheels suspension aligned.
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Posted: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - 02:34 PM UTC
Radek: I would, be we don't really have a good source for Braille AM over here in the States.

Jan: I intend to use the Dragon kit as a quick build and testbed for painting in this scale. My real build will be the Trumpeter Elefant. I probably won't have time to get to the Trumpeter Ferdinand, but I intend to build it after the other two regardless. Now where's my copy of that Tank Overhaul episode...

Scott: Nice work on the stowage!
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, December 30, 2010 - 02:27 AM UTC
Some progress on the Ausf M it's pretty much ready for paint I still need to add some scratch built items then it's primer time.

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Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Thursday, December 30, 2010 - 06:36 AM UTC
got some work done on the Stummel.
Very nice kit, very few defects.
Some so far
- tracks under-scale (width)
- small circular cap on nose slightly out of place
- seam-line missing between rear and forward hull
- padding for head of driver (will not be seen, but AMS forces me)
- seat for driver should be cut back for ease of access.

Apart from the tracks, easy to correct.

Cheers and happy New Year !!!

(clickable pix)

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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, December 30, 2010 - 07:44 AM UTC
Salutations, fellow campaigners. It seems that every tine I think that I have a handle on things, the action increases. We've had more changes to the Master Chart and they should be reflected as I write this. We've lost one member but gained another so that we are still at 50 participants.

IMPORTANT NOTE If anyone sees an anomaly in the Master Chart (wrong kit listed, incorrect build status etc.), please either post a question about it here or PM (Private Message) me. Despite rumours to the contrary, I am quite human and do overlook things.

@Sudzonic - Scott, the "junk" is really starting to look the part. Hmmm, reminds me of the closet that the SWMBO is always after me to clean up. BTW, I really like that BIG truck in the background.

@sabredog - Can I really take your word about the progress (pictures, pictures...).

@vonHengest - Testing is fine but as long as one new build is completed you'll qualify for the ribbon. The main reason for campaigns is to get everyone learning and sharing. Whether you are new to the subject or modelling it doesn't matter. I don't want you or anyone to feel that there is a minimal or any kind of standard. The BIG word at the end of the day should be FUN.

@newfish - Extras or not that Revell Panzer III is looking very decent. After exposure to two older ESCI moulds it looks impressive out of the box. I will definitely have to find one.

@Rob_Haelterman - Absolutely beautiful progress. I have two Dragon 251 variants and the complexity of many kits of them have kept me from daring to put glue to plastic.

Great and inspiring work, everyone. Now it's time for me to try to find the opportunity to progress on my entries (providing that the avalanche of posts doesn't engulf me again).

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Western Australia, Australia
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Posted: Thursday, December 30, 2010 - 10:56 AM UTC

Considering my wife and I are running about most nights helping our daughter and her husband out with a two month prem baby, I am amazed I am getting work done on the kits at all. Thank God for club Saturdays.

Here is some quick pics. They are a tad dark/blurry though