Hi All,
Lots of progress since last post.
As you can see I have attached the rear bulkhead to the back of the tank. This was done simply enough but I did have to add some milliput to fill in gaps between the hull and the bulkhead. Othe than that, no real problems.
Next I added the drive shaft. I had to make some minor modifications to this part in order for it to accept the brass tubing making up th second suspension arm. Additionally, the brass mount where the part connects to the transmission was too long necessitating some minor trimming. As you can see I also added a few minor parts connecting the suspension arms to the hull.
However, I have come across my first problem with this kit. This problem concerns the transmission and its place in the hull currently it does not fit correctly
First I had to alter the transmission mounts at the front of the tank. The brass rod I used was about half a millimetre too long so I had to take them apart and add thinner rod.
Secondly I had to alter the position of the break fan several times as it would not allow a dry fit of the top of the hull. I have taken it off for now as I realise that final positioning would be impossible without the transmission mounted in place.
Thirdly there is a problem with the angle of the transmission (I would post pictures but photobucket is currently down but I will add them later!!!) Frankly I don't know if this is how it is supposed to look. Basically the front of the transmission is about three or four millimetres higher than I expected it to be. I don't recall this problem in my previous tank. I have fitted all component parts exactly as they are supposed to be so I naively assume that it is in the right place and in all honesty when the component parts are fitted around it you can't really tell there is a problem.
On the plus side, I have managed to fix the error with the length of the steering connector arms so at least that's done.
Thanks for looking,