Here are two additional pre-paint photos. The first one shows the plastic card stock added to fill in the empty sponsons left by Tamyia, the plastic stock above the drive sprocket in order to fill in the gap between the upper and lower hull. After I trimmed off the fender supports along the rear of the vehicle so the vehicle had the look I found in Zaloga's book, I had to add in some additional plastic stock to fill in the gap and support the upper hull. Plus, I added small cut out bits of plastic card to the back of each road wheel to represent wheels that had steel plate welded to the rear of the wheel I think in an attempt to add strength. A tedious process, but I think the end result will be worth the effort.
The problem with this kit is it was originally made in 1977 and it's the still being made on the original dyes. This makes for a kit that has a fair amount of flash, pin marks in bad spots (inside of turret) and ill fitting parts. Tamyia made this vehicle to accept batteries and a motor as well, so I also had to fill in the motor control holes in the bottom of the hull.
This photo shows a close up of the front end which illustrates the gap that I filled around the drive sprocket and the plastic stock that fills in the gap between the upper and lower hull. I even had to put in some white putty on the top of the boggies to fill in a massive gap left after the boggies were assembled.
This weekend was very productive so I'll take some photos tonight and get them posted soon. But, they will show the M8 HMC with most of the detail painting completed, decals on, protective clear coat on and some oil washes on.
Enjoy and let me know if you need anything else.