Well done Jaredt, you have talent in my opinion. You'll become a skilled modeller before two or three kits.
The pieces alignement is very good, your model is very clean and you did a very good job with pe parts in my opinion.
Your T34 doesn't look like a model built by a beginner
Congrats indeed
There just some flaws that you can still fix it. If you don't mind i'll show them:

You arranged the stuffs on the fender in a very convincing way.
Although there are the ejector pin marks and holes that you should putty (but probably you haven't already done it) Pe as i said are very good indeed

You should remove that flash on the turret base and you should putty the two halves of the gun (i think so. i don't have reference pics now) Anyway probably you'll close the turret so you can avoid to putty them. Otherwise you should putty or/and sand down the seam on the gun mantlet

Tow cables are perfect, and you put on the model in a very good way.
But you should putty that wide split on the base of the turret and that fissure on his side.

Lens flare are crooked, but anyaway probably also on the real tank they were mounted in a wrong way. You should correct that chipping down the hatch and you should sand down the gun barrel 'cause is not perfectly smooth

Well done!! The cables acutally are too thick but is great that you've done this improvement on your first kit, congrats!
Of course you shouldn't intend what i'm writing as a criticism.
I'm not a teacher and I don't want to be considered as a "Know it all" person
In my sincere opinion you did a very good job. If you'll be able to fix this flaws your model will be great indeed!