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Why has this topic suddenly turned confrontational? Its a hobby for Gods sake, chill out. Paint how you want and let others do the same. What gives anyone the right to say who is right and who is wrong and why does he have to "Stand up" for his technique? You act like he did something wrong. If you don't agree with how a model is painted so be it, paint your model your own way. It would be a boring hobby is everyone's model looked the same wouldn't it? If you don't like the way the style looks don't buy the product, there are plenty of other people who will. I personally think that a model caked in dust with very little shading or highlighting looks bad but, who am i to say its wrong? Everyone should have their own style. As for shinny paint, that's not what this technique is trying to portray. Its depicting a light source and giving the model a little more depth and shape. I personally love how it looks and im looking forward to trying it on my next model. Now, can everyone be a bit more civil? Maybe state your arguments for or against in a less confrontational way?
Awesome post and you're right it's a hobby. It's discouraging to see a vendor become so hostile over such a silly little thing like this but I know where I wont be spending any of my money.
Good grief, while everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and opinions as well as their own modeling techniques, lets try and do it without judgmental attitudes or assumptions about ones motives. I for one enjoy painting in this style. I also enjoy chipping and making my builds extremely dirty and beaten up. Do I do it because it's the latest fad? NO. Do I do it because it's totally real? NO.
I build how I like and I like how I build.Here's my take on color modulation. Real or fake, I enjoyed every bit of it. I'm sure I over weathered it, got the shade of Olive Drab wrong, over chipped it and maybe even missed a few rivets but that's ok, I'm happy.

Thanks for sharing your work Iain,