Is there any particular reason why you seem to want to argue with me? If I am not mistaken, I do not know you at all.
As for the "Zealots" comment, I do not know half the people who responded.
I think you have an axe to grind and you picked the wrong person.
I paint models because I enjoy painting. I am not in some kind of contest with you or any one else.
I would like to share my work with you and any other who is interested.
Since I am such a very bad PAINTER, I was given this 1st place & the "Best of Show" for a MONOTONE vehicle just because the judges felt sorry for me....

Here is some CAMOUFLAGE.....


Oh, here is a bit more camouglage......

For the record, I enjoy critisism as it helps me grow as a modeler.
This little fight you have picked is not constructive critisism......this looks alot like one vendor trying to pick a fight with another & you trying to insult me & the others who have comented on this thread.
How is it that you sell products? Do you tell all your customers how wonderfull you are & how bad their painting skills are? I hope not for your sake.
Your little rant is a very poor way to make your point and also gives black eye to our industry, you should be ashamed really.
I personaly refuse to be associated with this kind of childish nonsence.
Perhaps when your meds kick in, you and I can have a rational & objective conversation. Until then, I am done with this conversation.