Sincerily you try to talk here like you know everything about everything and what I think is that you try to be something that you aren't.
You, ovibisuly try to make complicated something that is easy, and the people scape from these always boring subjects!
You are confused and lost, paint a couple models nice, don't give you the enought credit to prove what you said.
You Call in a wrong way WASH to Filters, and later you say that you know what a is filter, but because I produced like a product, now you say that you want to avoid that name. Funny.
You said that you was making effects with oild since long time ago. You say that your model have modulation now. But you are against that. Can you keep clear your mind, EE?
You have not idea what Modulation means in ART and you are telling me that I doens't know the meaning.
You insist to see your model in 1 cm square to see how many tones we can find, and all that I can see is a bad applied heavy wash. I have seen your other models and I cannot find anything intersting, like your famo, or the boring King Tiger.
You are mixing concepts, ideas, techniques and personal things in this tread and you are not a constructive person. You just entry here telling to everybody that all that they do is wrong and your way is right.
To me, I cannot get any positive thing in your messages, specially when you mix personal stuff.
The worse thing is try to explain something to anyone who don't want to understand.
What I recomend you is just SHUT UP and come back to paint models, BTW, take some photos and post here, in facebook or in any magazine, and share your ideas trought articles, without say that other mothods is not valid just because you don't like it. And let the people choose what they want to do.
One more time, you doens't give arguments to explain why the things must be made only in your way. Just just say: This must be like this, but not like that.
And to finish this dirty tread , thanks to you, of course, I will tell you: don't push me to talk in public about your bussines ways, because will rain a lot of shi*t over you. Again, I repeat you, in case that you like hear your self, that I am not in Mig productions since 2 years ago, but I can say very CLEAR that you relacthionship with Mig Company doens't end ....good. As well as illegal actions was made from your side. Fortunatly, you are not the ONLY CHINESE GUY that know, and many other friends from mainland China informed me about your....funny bussines.
Anyway, you are lucky that I changed my life and now I doens't take care about that. Continue with your PE company, with your superultra realistic but boring models and try to have clear ideas when you entry to post here. I get sick! I don't know if american friends can undertsand all that you said, but not me man, specially when you continue change your terms, ideas or thoughts.
Under my opinion, Moderators can lock this tread right now. It haven't sense since the begining, because since the begining you was attacking directly to many modellers in an ugly way.
Bye LILI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!