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what was the topic again? That the king tiger design was ultimately a tool to served in the killing of jews and therefore should not had been modeled by those that weren't neo-nazis?
Well, that correlation between nazi prosecution of the jewish race and German's participation in WWII you drew isn't without dispute here. We were arguing whether the Germans were to be blamed for the war, and whether the killing of jews was if fact the purpose and goal of Hitler's war, which the mass german population supported, whether directly or indirectly, with actions such as designing and building of the kingtigers.
Off topic?
Yes, this IS entirely off-topic. I'm not focused only on the King Tiger, nor am I trying to relate any specific vehicle to the Holocaust. My reason for beginning this thread is to find ways for me personally to validate building Axis armor. In my mind, I didn't feel comfortable constructing something that was associated with the Third Reich. Maybe it was just the fact that I would be handling a swastika with care or something, but I had some internal trepidation towards building a Nazi vehicle. It makes no difference to me whether or not Germany is a Catholic state or if Stalin had plans to invade Germany; the fact of the matter is that over 6 million of my people and just as many Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, priests, mentally challenged, and politically opposed Germans were displaced, tortured, and systematically murdered in a plot devised by numerous men who believed that they were genetically and divinely superior and the rest of humanity had to be liquidated to make room for a pure Aryan world. There have been numerous atrocities committed in wartime and peacetime before, but NEVER before had there been entire facilities dedicated to the extermination of entire peoples, warriors or otherwise. The Nazi Regime took pride in their work and took extensive notes, photographs, and other records of the murders in every village, city, and camp. The Holocaust is something that I can never forget about, nor is it something that the world and humanity should forget about. For these reasons, I found it very difficult to construct a model of their machinery, regardless of whether or not it would've been found in the camps; the government they were used to fight for was the same government that devised and implemented the Holocaust and so to build anything from the Axis was understandably very hard for me to rationalize. Thanks to the fine modelers on this forum, I think I'll be able to rationalize it in future models, but this thread was not intended to turn into a political/historical debate. Thank you for understanding this and keeping the forum on-topic in future posts.