I wanted to take a moment to discuss the engine as it is one fo the features that make Roden's kit stand out. While this is a nicely molded piece, there are some definite positives and negatives regarding the way that Roden chose to mold the main pieces.
So here's the breakdown:
-Crisp detail, nearly free of flash.
-Engine block molded in two SOLID halves, giving the engine more strength so that you don't accidentally squish it with your fingers or tweezers while also providing more surface area for the glue to grab. No more gooey messes trying to get the right amount of glue around the perimeter.
-The two haves fit together with very little play.
-Fully detailed and constructed for a literal "drop in" fit.
-This first one really kills me.. The valve cover and oil pan are cast as solid pieces with the block halves, meaning that both the valve cover and oil pan have a huge seam running through the center of them. This is easy to correct by filling and sanding on the oil pan because the real one is stamped sheet metal which is smooth by nature. The valve cover is an entirely different story however as it has both small details AND a subtle cast texture. There really isn't a good way around this without losing at least some detail. Of course if you are building the kit with the engine hatches closed then this isn't a problem. However for those of us who want to take advantage of the extra detail provided in Roden's kit this will be a sore point. In addition to this one of the attachment points to the sprue is located directly on a bolt for the valve cover. It is possible to reclaim the bolt head by roughing out the shape through careful trimming and filing, but you may just want to cut it off completely and add your own bolt head(s). If Roden cast the valve cover as a separate single piece then there wouldn't be any real issue with the engine.
-The transmission case is also molded as part of the engine block halves and very simplified so one may wish to add some detail to it such as ribs and bolts. It is also slightly misshapen so you may want to take a little extra time to balance out the shape of the case.
-The attachment pegs for the fans and pulleys don't quite mate up, but any fit issues should be easy to resolve and the seam will be hidden behind the other engine components and the radiator.

*Notice the deep depressions on the right side of the engine block just below the valve cover? These will come in extra handy for anyone wanting to add spark plugs and/or wires