Hi Guys!!! Thanks for all the responses!! Mike-I don't think I can make it do to school, but thanks for the information!
Stan-I appreciate it.
Pat-Thanks a lot! Ha, I just cleaned the work area, it was a mess!
Here's the update:
I made lots of progress the last couple of days. I started laying out the plan on the styrofoam and worked on the buildings.
Here we go!
This is the blue stuff I'm using:

It's the thicker stuff just to make sure everything holds up. I can also dig down into it a bit for the ditches on the side of the axis road E Co is coming up into Carentan

Here's the plan taped to the blue stuff so I can make the marks with the blade and take a Sharpie to it to create the lines

With the Sharpie lines from the layout, just the basics:

Here's the start of the furniture store. I got all the glass in all 3 buildings today, finally! Feels good to be that far done, now! I hate making windows!!!!

Here's the bricks glued onto the destroyed house. I went ahead and glued them back on because the contrast in texture will be greater, and there's less of a chance of me getting gesso all over the place and covering up the brick work

The rear of the destroyed house before weathering:

Here's a better shot of the destroyed house..I have put on the back wall, but it's not in this shot:

Here's a window of the Cafe installed:

And now all 3 of the buildings together...the destroyed house ins't actually crooked, it's drying and has some pins underneath:

That's what I got done..today was a great day as far as progress on these buildings goes. I feel like I can finally start to see the light! I need to practice putting on gesso in an even manner before putting it on these buildings, I don't want to have to redo any more of them!
I still need to work on the interiors of the Cafe now and the furniture shop. And of course, start building some furniture!

Thanks for watching! I'll be at it all this weekend and I can't wait!