LOL I should let it be known....I did NOT paint that amazing piano or put together that little fig!!!! I wish. Ha. Those are photos from the website so you guys would just know what I ordered. Sorry to disappoint you. lol. But,,,,thanks?

Small update:
I am now torn between which building to use as the music shoppe and which to use as the destroyed house. I think this one will be the music shoppe now, cause I freakin' dig the window cutouts:

I got this plaster from Michaels (a craft store here in the US) called Art Plaster, and was a bit skeptical at first...turns out, this stuff is amazing. A little stronger than regular plaster of paris, and it actually sticks less to the plastic sheet I pour it onto, making it much easier to pull away without cracking.
Anyway, I like this wall, I think it turned out quite nice. It will probably become the music shoppe's front, because it looks much fancier.
I also got to work on starting the figs pretty hardcore. No one ever mentioned what a painstaking task it is to mod a ton of them and glue them, especially resin ones, when the glue doesn't like the angle and things fall off....good times. I managed to pick up a pin vise today and have used it a little, but I need a bit thicker wire to really start heavy duty conversions without the problems I was having before. Note: these are not nearly all of the figs. I don't have an exact number of how many there will be, but probably around 12-15, if it doesn't make the scene look too busy.
Here's a photo of the starting stages:

from top left: this guy will be running toward the cafe from the dirt road, careful not to shoot his counterparts! Next, this guy will be standing behind the destroyed house, pinned down by the german MG. Then, we have a little guy I'm not quite sure what to do with yet. Then, we have a dead US para (took so much work...both the green and yellow parts are Verlinden outcasts that don't like to play well with other Verlinden parts from the same damn kit!!!!) Bottom left: guy chucking the grenade through the first story window of the cafe, excellent detail, I might add, though a little on the large side. No matter, he will be all by his lonesome in the road. Next to him, we have a guy that will be on his way out of the ditch on the side of the dirt access road. Then we have another guy not quite sure what to do with just yet.
Overall, I am trying to use as many OOB paras as I can, because I already have a ton of conversions to do. My fave figs so far are the Nemrod ones (schocking, I know) due to the detail and ease of putting them together. The first guy on the top left was really easy to mod, too, actually.
And I also completed the front wall of the Cafe. It's now totally dry, awaiting wallpapering and such. I was able to get quite a bit of texture on it, but I'm going to sand it down just a bit to even it out a little. Overall, I think this one is a keeper, finally!

So, there we are. I will work some more tomorrow evening when I get home. Thanks for reading! Any comments are welcome.