Matt I gotta give you kudos, I am just not patient enough for the enamels. Oh I hang with some guys that can do magic with them, but it just ain’t me. Maybe that is one of the things I should put on my experimentation list though… maybe.
Now on to some current experimenting, theorizing, squinting, and head scratching. I’ve been spending quite some time gazing at the pictures from the book and trying to make sense of the colors and shades I’m seeing (or at least what I think I’m seeing). Well this is that story.
First we have the truck on the outside of the curve, the one that I am not modeling.

From this picture I can see quite a few things, the fact that the gun base is a tan color while the gun itself is dark gray. It also does not appear to have any camo paint on the truck itself. Additionally the base of the gun appears to be in the configuration that I have portrayed due to the shape visible at the rear of the vehicle. The lack of camo on the truck here is what I had originally envisioned for my truck… but wait…
Here it the truck on the inside of the curve the one I am building.

The dust line is very apparent, but it also appears to have a tan color paint applied (at least in part) to the side of the truck. And then there is the front fender which is lighter than the water cans (didn’t get those in this shot) but not as light as the side. A green maybe? I think that is what I will go with.
What about the gun you say, well how about this.

Look back there by the guy in the chair, that is definitely tan and if that part of the gun is tan I’m thinking this whole gun is tan. Now there are quite a few pictures in the series and there are other vehicles to compare to, but I can’t put it all in here, just some of the key elements to illustrate the line of thought that I’ve been following.
I’m still putting the scene in 41 due in part to the only markings being a white circle with a five in it (5th battery maybe), so no dunkel gelb, desert sand maybe and some green or brown early campaign stuff. To go one step farther I decided to make the trailer tan, but leave the ammo box gray…
So here is what I have so far, the brown or green have not been applied as I’m still debating on that.
Soak it in and let me know what you think…

Thanks For bearing with me on this one…