Cracking work on the figgies Al.
"STAND TO!!!" Used to hate hearing that command. It was always bucketing down with rain at the time.
I'll always remember this rough quote I heard from an American Officer to his troops. We were going to be "Red Forces" on a "Friendly" excercise with them in Germany and "technically" me and The Boss shouldn't actually have been there to hear it. It went roughly like this but I've deleted some naughty words.
"...And lastly. Don't attack them near dawn or dusk. You might know where they are but they will be quietly lying there fully awake, hidden, dug in, armed to the teeth and looking forward to meeting you. That's if they haven't already come looking for you in the night... Which they will!
Do not trust them! If you think there's something out there that shouldn't be out there then I guarantee that it will be them, they love sneaking about in the dark.
Before the excercise starts, if you happen to catch them where they shouldn't be then corral them, contain them, then lock down and check your equipment. Brits found where they shouldn't be found are
always bad news and they're up to no good".
Not sure I should be admitting this.