Inspired by the Great War campaign, I've decided to have a go at build a trench dio. I attemptewd to build one of these many, many years ago using fairly badly converetd Tamiya German Infantry. It has long been consigned to the bin but WW1 is also and sujject area that interests me, perhaps because it was maily an infantrymans war fought on courage and fear in the most appauling circumstances.
Anyway as the campaign is due to finish on the 11/11/1212 I thought I'd have a go at doing a slightly better job this time.
One main peoblem with WW1 is the almost complete lack of 1/35 scale figure subjects, especially British/Commonwealth troops. I had thought about switching scale for this one but that would bring it's own problems and I doubt I could manage anything much smaller.
Anyway, this is plan A

An OP on a slightly raised piece of ground, switching to some 'caves' the soldiers have dug out moving to a Sap for an MG or Lewis Gun position. Some basic trenching with a fire step leading to more caves and an Officers dugout. Just behind the line and leading off a small communications trench I though I'd set up an aid post of some sort.
From the pictures I've studies some parts of the trench system were quite well developed whilst other parts were little more than scrap holes. Bits would be destroyed and generally the place was pretty much a mess.
Anyway I got the play dough out this morning to get some idea of layout/ size etc, etc.
The OP would be top left on riased ground: Next to it some caves and a Sap.
The basic layout:

I have one figure built already, this one is an old Warriors figure I got through Squadron.

plus two others of unknown origin I did for the Over the Top Campaign who might work.
