Here's 'some' of the stuff I've assembled...

Things IN the photograph:
-Academy M3 Grant kit
-Formations Final Drive cover
-Formations lower rear hull back plate and exhausts
-Formations British funnels
-Armored Bridgade Models M3 Grant upgrade, including a complete turret
-Eduard 'exterior' PE set
-Eduard 'interior' PE set
-RB Models 37mm and 75mm (without counterweight) turned barrel
-RB Models .30 cal barrels
-Cyber-hobby WE210 tracks
Things that ARE NOT in the photograph.
-Cyber-hobby VVSS (early) upgrade
-Formations 75mm resin barrel (with counterweight)
-Black Dog M3 accessory set
-Echelon Lees & Grants decals (North Africa)
-Alpine Armored crew set
-various bits and pieces out my spares box
I've also have a growing M3 Grant reference library, and that should get even larger as a few more books should be at my front door within the next few days.
The goal is to build the tank with a fully opened up fighting compartment, and have a small desert vignette setup by the end. If you'll notice in the above list of pieces and parts, I mentioned I have 75mm barrels both with and without the counterweight. The reason behind this is that adding the counterweight means the 75mm was gyro-stabilized, which means some additional interior scratch-building. I'm just not sure I'm up for that. So that decision will have to come later. And in the worst case, I can always use it on an eventual Lee build!

This will be the most comprehensive build I've ever attempted, so here goes nothing! Stay tuned, and feel free to comment!