@BBD468 – Gary,
The base color looks convincing. So what technique are you using to produce the even separation between the base colored road wheels and black rubber tires? Excellent job on the Fruilmodel tracks, nice track sag – did you use the supplied metal wire to join the tracks?
Like the scratch made handles and stowage straps for the axe and shovel. These small upgrades sure go a long ways in improving the kit. Looks like you even added a piece of copper plate over the main gun housing too!
Gary, you sure have gone a long ways on your build, I need to improve on my speed! I believe Russ ‘russamotto’ Amott is correct about the Shinhoto, so you may want to have the moderator revise the title of your build log as you are building the upgraded late version of this Japanese medium tank. The version of the tank you are building is correctly known as the Type 97 Kai or Type 97 Shinhoto Chi-Ha – Japanese for ‘medium third with a new turret’.
:[]-- I’ve been lurking in from time to time, been real busy here this week. Our apartment managers throw in some new flooring and upgrades to modernize our place. Feels like we just moved into a new crib, which included packing and moving our stuff around. 85% done! More to go but it’s the weekend and I’m going to do a little modeling and go online to post some criticism and start some rioting, I mean comments.
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Eddy, you may recognize the material for the muffler guards. THX! - Gary
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What is exactly the material on the exhaust? - Phil
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Phil – I’m not sure what that material is? Eddy sent it to me and I forgot what he said. Maybe he'll chime in and let us know. Its very soft and pliable mesh - very nice!
@asmodeuss – Phil, and fellows, I found this copper mesh screen material encased within an electrical flat ribbon wire cable at a job I held over 30 years ago!

This type of cable is still being produced today but the price for a short piece of this cable may be staggering at today’s market prices. It’s always good to look at items that can be used for modeling. The material is quite pliable and is textured on one side thus rendering a realistic mesh screen as in Gary’s example in this scale.
Phil, I still have just enough material left in my stash to send you a good chunk of it, if your interested PM me with your address.
Gary, what material or plastic molded parts are supplied in the Tamiya kit to render the covers over the exhaust pipes? Could you take a close up of both the kit supplied parts and the copper mesh screen?
~ Eddy