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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 - 04:36 AM UTC
Gary-- as always, interesting to follow your work. I am anxious to see how you mask the vehicle.
Great job!
DJ Judge
"Tanker Boots do not a Tanker Make."
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Posted: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 - 06:18 AM UTC
Utrecht, Netherlands
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Posted: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 - 09:03 AM UTC
really nice paint job you did here gary! And awesome tank!
If a sherman can't do it, no other tank can do it!!
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Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 - 02:18 PM UTC
You Gnhaaaaa! You've done it again! Prove to us mortal that you can brush paint with the same esthetics quality than a airbrush...At least tell me you sprayed a mist of base color for toning!?
Saweeet paint job Mace Boggs. Can't wait to see the hull dressed up as the turret.
I rest my case.
Texas, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 - 02:31 PM UTC
Quoted Text
You Gnhaaaaa! You've done it again! Prove to us mortal that you can brush paint with the same esthetics quality than a airbrush...At least tell me you sprayed a mist of base color for toning!?
Saweeet paint job Mace Boggs. Can't wait to see the hull dressed up as the turret.
Thanks my friend!!! Yes i sprayed a highly dilluted mist of the base coat. Lookin close at it there are still subtle brush stroke marks but very minimal. Ill do a bit of an SBS on the lower hull to show what im doin. Thanks Mon Ami!

Thanks Peter! Thanks for stoppin' by.

California, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 - 03:30 PM UTC
@BBD468 - Gary,
That is one sharp looking camouflage pattern you've managed there and with just paint brushes

I had inquired about the wire that comes with the Furilmodel tracks because I have yet to use it. What I have done is to drill out the holes on the links with a .021" diameter drill and then in place of the Fruilmodel wire I use .020" diameter brass wire. I then cut the brass wire to length once I have the wire inserted into the track links via a set of pliers. A lot of work on my part as your effort looks spot on. Excellent track sag too!
Thanks for the tip on masking off the tires and for sharing a bit about the kits molded on screen. Models have sure come a long ways in so short a period of time.
~ Eddy
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Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 - 11:36 PM UTC
That is just awesome paint brush work on the camo- it looks truly spot on and I really can't wait to see it on the hull, its a very eye catching camo on these tanks.
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 - 08:56 AM UTC
What can I say Another Van Gough well on the way to the marvelled halls of fame!!
Great looking camo scheme can't waif for more!'
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Posted: Thursday, November 08, 2012 - 12:29 AM UTC
Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, November 08, 2012 - 01:33 AM UTC
Hey! where is MY UPDATE!
Yeah, you know you should have done one Gray...Now Ihave to drink my coffe wondering what your hoo chi mama tank looks like with that sweet sexy camo
Have a nice day bro!
I rest my case.
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, November 08, 2012 - 02:28 AM UTC
Hang on you hand painted that turret? thats great.
You are not by chance a graphic designer or artist are you?
I wish you could travel to the UK to paint my Tiger when its ready, I spend years building models and panic when it comes to painting
Texas, United States
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Posted: Thursday, November 08, 2012 - 02:33 AM UTC
Hello my friends,
Thanks fellas, i do appreciate the kind words.
I have done a small section of the hull to show an SBS on my method of madness. So here goes!
First i traced the camo pattern with a pencil.

I then traced the lines with Vallejo paint with a 10/0 brush.

Then i filled in the camo with a 00 round brush with thin coat. BTW, i thin the Vallejo with distilled water only.

Next is the second coat with the same brush. Same consistancy as first coat.

3rd and last coat is brushed with a 0 round being careful to not leave brush sroke marks in the final coat.

I have already sealed the turret with future gloss and ready for decals.

I sure hope that helps...and made sence!
Thanks for looking!
New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Thursday, November 08, 2012 - 02:42 AM UTC
What consistency do you mix your paint? What kind of brushes are you using? I could never get the hang of brush painting lol
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Thursday, November 08, 2012 - 02:54 AM UTC
Quoted Text
What consistency do you mix your paint? What kind of brushes are you using? I could never get the hang of brush painting lol
Hey John,
In this instance i mixed the Paint approx. 2 parts paint to 1 part distilled water. When i paint tools and the like on my tanks the mix wouldnt be quite that thin. The brushes are Winsor & Newton series 7. Kolinski Sable. I use them for figure painting but felt i needed to use them on this to minimize brush stroke marks. The Kolinsky sable helps to lay the paint more smoothly for me. Hope that helps.

Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, November 08, 2012 - 05:42 AM UTC
Thanks for the SBS on this Gary- I haven't hand painted an AFV model since I got my first airbrush, seeing the results you've achieved makes me want to try it again!
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Lisboa, Portugal
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Posted: Thursday, November 08, 2012 - 05:46 AM UTC
Very well done Gary !!!
So far it's looking great !
I recommend using some filters to blend the colours.
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Wojewodztwo Slaskie, Poland
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Posted: Thursday, November 08, 2012 - 07:11 AM UTC
Hi Gary,
Your brush painting effect is incredible. I could not believe that it is painted with a brush, your method is very cool. I think in the near future it will use.
The best regards Pawel
Texas, United States
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Posted: Friday, November 09, 2012 - 04:23 PM UTC
Karl, Pawel - Thanks so much fellas, i appreciate it!
John - I dont have that particular filter but i think i have the right oils to replicate that tone pretty close. Ill try to mix a batch as i like the color in the bottle you have shown.
Have some more painting done. I still need the hull sides under the fenders and the rear area. Heres what i did tonight. WHEEEW!!!

Thanks for looking fellas!
Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Friday, November 09, 2012 - 07:15 PM UTC
Gary, your build is coming along beautifully
Vallejo really is a great drop to paint with a brush, and your camo is perfect !
OddBall: "It's a wasted trip baby. Nobody said nothing about locking horns with no Tigers"
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Saturday, November 10, 2012 - 02:46 PM UTC
It is great to watch this build coming together. I really like the Vallejo paints for hand-brushing camo. I also have to agree that the vinyl tracks in these kits are... lacking.. Great kits though despite showing a bit of age

What's next?
Maine, United States
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Posted: Saturday, November 10, 2012 - 10:12 PM UTC
Dear Mr. Boggs,Although I had heard rumors about this build,I was not informed about this thread,and as you can see, am late to the party.In the future,I suggest that you (being the fine upstanding young lad that you are)keep Me informed about any and all (well,maybe not ALL) of your late night goings on so I can lob some mortar rounds in your general direction

So,let's see,1/72 free hand camo with an airbrush,a wingythingie(looks sweet by the way),and now,1/35 camo with a brush.What's next, a 1/144 build using a kitchen broom and some old banana peels?
As always,another outstanding build,Dude

Jeff T.
The building lamp is lit.Build'em if you got'em.
Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Monday, November 12, 2012 - 02:18 AM UTC
The Boggs Master has done it again! Very nice my friend

Can't wait to see the progres on that one bro. Are you going to spray a mist of basecoat before pin washing? or wait after?
I rest my case.
Texas, United States
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Posted: Monday, November 12, 2012 - 12:45 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Dear Mr. Boggs,Although I had heard rumors about this build,I was not informed about this thread,and as you can see, am late to the party.In the future,I suggest that you (being the fine upstanding young lad that you are)keep Me informed about any and all (well,maybe not ALL) of your late night goings on so I can lob some mortar rounds in your general direction 
So,let's see,1/72 free hand camo with an airbrush,a wingythingie(looks sweet by the way),and now,1/35 camo with a brush.What's next, a 1/144 build using a kitchen broom and some old banana peels?
As always,another outstanding build,Dude 
Jeff T.
Hey Jeff T. I do apologize for being late to inform you, but i felt that if i informed too early your accurate mortar fire may delay or disable the build completely...not mention destroy the stockpile of banana peels and brooms i have for the next project!
Better late than never my friend! Great to have you stop in.
Paul, Jeremy - Thanks fellas!!
Brother Phil - Thanks my friend, i appreciate it!

You know im not sure just yet...i may play with some filters first and see where that takes me. After all the hand painting im kinda wishing i had gone with a bit lighter brown, but its all good...ill figure it out...I HOPE!!!


WHOOHOOO!!! I can paint the tools, idler tires and the like next and move the heck on!

Im tired!!!
Lisboa, Portugal
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Posted: Monday, November 12, 2012 - 03:31 PM UTC
Great job Gary !!!
Congrats !!!
I'll post some pics of some filters on bare plastic to show you the tone of that 3-tone camo filter.
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Monday, November 12, 2012 - 03:59 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Great job Gary !!!
Congrats !!!
I'll post some pics of some filters on bare plastic to show you the tone of that 3-tone camo filter.
Hey John, that would be awseome my man! Thanks for that!!