Really nice work so far Venom and a brilliant idea for a dio. Nice use of a the bmw and side car as well. Nice layout overall!
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My personal preference is to cover the edge with an even flat surface such as a piece of sheet styrene to give a 'finished' look. You ultimately decide on that one.
The wall against the creek could benefit from some 'dirt or mortar' packed into the gaps and painted. As is now, it looks a bit to 'loose'.
I would have to agree with this as well. With so many gaps in the river wall, it would wash away. Some thoughts ...... Put it up on its side and fill with runny spackel. It will fill all the gaps, act like cement, add texture and still leave a nice rough wall! Wipe off the excess with a wet cloth.
Most walls like this would be levelled off with cement as well. This could be done with a thicker spackel and made free-hand. Add some cracks and growth between them.
Wish i had had this idea!!