I left the decals to dry for a full 24 hours & then applied a further coat of Johnsons "Future".
I allowed this to dry overnight & then gave the whole model two coats of Vallejo Acrylic matte varnish.
Once this was dry I followed up with Vallejo gloss varnish on the headlights, tail lights, indicators, etc; rear view mirrors & ammo belts.
Vallejo satin varnish was applied to the radio, tops of gear sticks, SLR butt & ammo boxes.
I will put the whole thing aside for a few days for the varnish to cure ready for the weathering process.

All decals are from the Archer generic numbers & letters sets.

The red cross symbol was taken from another Archer set.

This decal is taken from the Archer generic placards set & were also used in the cab & on the machine guns too.

As you can see here, I have applied gloss varnish to the various lights.

Satin varnish was applied to the radio set.

Again, gloss was added to all the rear lights & reflectors.

Satin was applied to the metal parts of these tools on this side of the vehicle.

A generic placard has been added to the gun cradle, gloss was used on the ammo belt & satin was used on the pistol grips.


Any comments, questions or constructive criticism would be appreciated.