On studying the reference materials, both book & various images on the internet (google search), I realised I would have to use both the Eduard PE & the Legend Productions SAS Pink Panther Detail & Update set as not all parts from both kits were completely accurate. However, by mixing the various parts of each set you can build a very realistic scale model.

I used my own ultra fine chain here as I felt the one supplied with the Legend set is slightly oversized.
I swapped the Legend number plate for the Eduard as I will be adding my own plate number. Also, I am told that the plates on the original was not embossed (ie: the numbers/letters did not stand out but were completely flat-I hope that makes sense!)

I've used various gauges of plastic sheet throughout the build to add a little detail that isn't supplied in any of the kits. Here, I'm using some to fit the Accurate Armour British water cans in as these haven't been supplied at all & this vehicle was used in the desert!
Notice how I scratched out a line towards the top edge of the large fuel tanks & right round its circumference. This was a sheet of wood on the real thing which laid over the top of the tanks & is not represented on the Tamiya kit. However, easy enough to replicate. You will need to add a couple of hinges also behind the front seats. I used plastic rod.

0.2mm copper wire is used for the wires on the radio.

I've used some of the excellent Archer Fine Transfers resin rivets to add some more detail to the cab interior.

Using the spades from the Legend set is a much better option, IMHO.
I used the kit rifle bins as I wanted to add the canvas protector myself. I used very thin lead sheet for this task.
The spare jerry can containers are made using the Eduard PE set & the jerry cans are the Accurate Armour British fuel cans.

Various gauges of copper wire have been used to replicate electrical wiring in the cab.
An Aber wing nut has been used to "hold" the pick axe head in place on top of the rifle stowage bin. You might have to look carefully to see it!

Using the parts from the Legend set for the GPMG's will build a much more accurate rendition of the original than using the Eduard set. However, I did swap the machine guns for the Live Resin GPMG's but replaced the "plastic stock" for the "wooden stock" from the Legend set.

"D" ring shackles are white metal from MR Modellbau.
I have used the Eduard PE radiator & cover as I felt these were better detailed than the Legend parts.
Hope you like.