All photos unless otherwise credited: Copyright Michael Koenig 2014 All Rights Reserved.

Blitz 4x2 towing the Museum's 75mm PAK 40 - Seen at Ft. Knox military event.

Blitz 4x4 (notice shadow of front differential) towing 75mm PAK 40 - Seen at Lowell, Indiana military event: Buckley Homestead

Blitz 4x4 towing 75mm PAK 40 - Seen at Lowell, Indiana military event: Buckley Homestead.

Blitz 4x2 SEEN IN PARKING LOT of Patton Museum, Ft. Knox. KY.
Note: Front mounted tow hitch for easy positioning of towed gun and bumper mounted horn!

Blitz 4x2 SEEN IN PARKING LOT of Patton Museum, Ft. Knox. KY.
Note: Notice how the front fenders intrude up into the bottom edge of the hood. (bonnett) A clear indicator that this is a 4x2 Blitz.
Mike Koenig Photos - All Rights Reserved