'Lost Horizon' Diorama (update)
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Friday, October 10, 2014 - 10:40 AM UTC
After a couple of earlier unsatisfactory putty sculpting attempts on the Sd.Kfz.10 folded-down top, I decided to go with this method instead:
First, I framed-out the top with Styrene rod and sheet material, then I sanded-down the outside edges.
Next, I covered the assembly with facial tissue and coated it with Gator's Grip Glue, followed by pushing the tissue inwards with a toothpick.
And the finished ragtop!
I'm actually pretty happy with the result. Let me know what you guys think.

California, United States
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Posted: Friday, October 10, 2014 - 12:49 PM UTC
Hey Mike - I'd be happy with the results too! Looks very good!

Texas, United States
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Posted: Friday, October 10, 2014 - 01:02 PM UTC
Mike, great concept for this and you're really making it look good!
Removed by original poster on 10/12/14 - 04:37:50 (GMT).
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 - 07:27 PM UTC
Nick, Guy, thank you!
Today's progress: Months ago, when I assembled the tracks, I somehow miscounted the links by +2 on both runs ... lots of cussing and swearing today @#$%&!!!
MagicTracks, paint, Super Glue and my fingers ... not a good combination!!! Got 'em on and running in the right direction though — whew!
In addition, I added some rifles and scratched a figure-8 link needed to tow the Pak 38.
1:1 Pak 38 figure-8 towing link reference.
West-Vlaaderen, Belgium
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Posted: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 - 05:53 AM UTC
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Super Glue and my fingers ... not a good combination!!!
Hi mike,
you tell me something !!!
Nice progress by the way , i like the color tone on the vehicle.
Looking forwards !
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Thursday, October 16, 2014 - 11:14 AM UTC
Tracks for the Panzer today ... whew!
Okay, back to work!
Bayern, Germany
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Posted: Thursday, October 16, 2014 - 11:25 AM UTC
nice Project, Mike. Like the way you´re tackeling this photo (altough your last two pics aren´t visible)
You´ve got the entire jack the wrong way round, that´s why it looks that odd. I had this struggle with a different Dragon Panzer III aswell, the cank has to rest on the fender support rod, just in front of the air intake.
Impossible only means that you haven't found the solution yet.
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Thursday, October 16, 2014 - 11:33 AM UTC
I already spun the jack around and stowed the crank on the fender ... it was driving me crazy!
Thanks for your comments!
Wien, Austria
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Posted: Friday, October 17, 2014 - 10:22 AM UTC
Hej Mike,
that ragtop is already a huge improvement on the plastic one.
If you allow me one remark...(I own an MG convertible), canopies do not show flat folds length-wise like that. They are way too stiff for that.
Apart from these narrow areas, the thing looks just great!! So put something over it (a Zeltbahn f.ex., or a blanket) and it will be perfect!
You are quite a vehicle builder Sir!!!
un pour tous et tous pour un!
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Friday, October 17, 2014 - 11:45 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Hej Mike,
that ragtop is already a huge improvement on the plastic one.
If you allow me one remark...(I own an MG convertible), canopies do not show flat folds length-wise like that. They are way too stiff for that.
Apart from these narrow areas, the thing looks just great!! So put something over it (a Zeltbahn f.ex., or a blanket) and it will be perfect!
You are quite a vehicle builder Sir!!!
Hi Romain and welcome back!
If you're referring to the folds on top, I think I see what you mean. It's just dry fit for now, I can still fix it
Thank you for the compliment and the helpful critique!
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 08:41 AM UTC
Bucket List!
PE buckets from
Eureeka XXL at The Scenic Factory
West-Vlaaderen, Belgium
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Posted: Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 04:21 PM UTC
You have done a great job on the buckets , beautifully done for sure! You really have ''fingerspitzengefühl'' .
congratulations mike!
Wien, Austria
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Posted: Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 09:05 PM UTC
I'm with Kurt....you have "Fingerspitzengefühl"
The bucket on top of the tank is superb!!!
I'd rather see it in a russian Pampa then in a dry desert though!
Well done Sir!!!
un pour tous et tous pour un!
Napoli, Italy
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Posted: Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 10:41 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Another small detail added to the Sd.Kfz.10 today:
I cut-out the original sun-visor lens and scratched a clear one out of the trash stash.
I used a mixture of red and yellow Food Coloring and Vallejo Gloss Varnish (70.510) to achieve a somewhat translucent look. My test-piece came out looking better than this, so I might do it over ... or not.
Hi Mike, very nice job so far. I'm following because I have the same demag D7 in progress...
Nice detail the windshield: I'll copy the same...
England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 11:11 PM UTC
Hi Mike,
You're making excellent progress, nice work.
'Action this Day'
Winston Spencer Churchill
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Friday, October 24, 2014 - 07:02 AM UTC
Thanks guys!!!!
@ Kurt: "Fingerspitzengefühl!" My new favorite word and what a nice compliment — greatly appreciated!
@ Romain: There's that word again!

... Thank you, Sir!
@ Giovanni: I'm glad you like it! Which kit do you have? Make sure to post your build.
@ Alan: Thank you! Progress seems slow on this end. I keep finding these little excuses to avoid the weathering process. However, last night, I courageously went forward and did some minimal chipping to the Pz III.
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Friday, October 24, 2014 - 07:39 AM UTC
The vehicle looks great but that bucket is really primo!! Wow.
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Friday, October 24, 2014 - 04:45 PM UTC
Glad you like the bucket, Jerry!
After all of that monochrome base color staring me in the face, I felt the urge to dirty something up!
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Saturday, October 25, 2014 - 01:39 AM UTC
Would you mind describing the method you used on the bucket hanging on the gun?
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Sunday, October 26, 2014 - 06:39 AM UTC
I've been using white sewing thread (the kind that has the least amount of fuzzy hair). It's still a little thick so I pull-out one strand. After which, it curls like crazy, so I dip it in Woodland Scenics, Scenic Cement or very diluted white glue — squeeze, twist and straiten it out with my fingers until smooth and dry — a hairdryer is helpful. Since I was using white thread (tan actually looks pretty good right off the spool), I soaked it with Vallejo European Dust Wash (76.523) — thinned paint will also do the trick.
I find it very difficult to tie realistic looking 1/35 scale knots, so whenever possible, I hide and glue the ends down!

Still experimenting with all of this — lots of room for improvement.
I thought of using the wire method but it seems difficult to control on the model and after painting it, handling becomes an issue.
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Sunday, October 26, 2014 - 08:07 AM UTC
hahaha that was my biggest typing blunder yet on the web. What I was trying to ask was what kind of paint and technique did you use on the first bucket?
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Sunday, October 26, 2014 - 09:35 AM UTC
Yeeeash! ... I knew it!

Got side-tracked and never revised my spew! Had waaaaay too much coffee today!

At least you got a good laugh out of my blunder!
The answer in brief: Paint! Haha!
But seriously:
Red Bucket: Tamiya rattle-can Fine Surface Primer (light grey), Vallejo Light Rust (70.301) base coat, a little Vallejo Dark Rust Wash (76.507) pin-detailing and Vallejo Dark Rust (70.302) for the stains.
Grey Bucket:
Tamiya rattle-can Fine Surface Primer (light grey) as the base coat, Vallejo European Dust Wash (76.523) pin-detailing and Vallejo Dark Rust (70.302) for the stains.
Handles: Vallejo Grey Green (71.055) and Dark Rust (70.302).
Vallejo Matt Varnish (70.520) for both.
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 04:42 PM UTC
Still pickin' at the small stuff. These will be hanging from the front and back of the storage box on the Sd.Kfz.10. I need to clean them up a bit and come up with a suitable hanging method. Any ideas?
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 06:27 PM UTC
I thought something like this might work but the cabin is too crammed when the four crew are seated.

Maybe just two helmets in the middle and the rest dispersed on top of stowage.