Thanks for the kind words Gents!
Restraint from vehicle over-abuse has indeed been a challenge for me. Here's my process:
No Chipping Solution. I've had only limited success with it, so for the most part I'm done with that method as it adds an additional (thick) layer which can clog precious details.
1. Scrape, pick, pull, shave, sand with whatever tools I have in reach directly on the base coat leaving some of the flakes in place as I go. I often go right down to the plastic using its color to my advantage. Here's the real trick I've learned: Walk away! This way I don't get too crazy with the process.
2. Paintbrush worn areas and their edges with Vallejo Dark Rust (70.302) — doesn't really look like rust but it seems to cause some sort of chemical reaction between the base coat, primer and/or plastic. ... Walk away!
3. Return. If it seems that I've caused excessive wear, I'll paintbrush over suspect areas with the base coat mix. ... Walk away!
4. In this case, I applied Vallejo Brown Wash (76.513) via AB and some paintbrush detailing to tone down the base coat. At this stage, things can go bad very quickly! ... Here is where I
really need to walk away!
5. The final step is AB application of Vallejo Matt Varnish (70.520) thinned with Airbrush Thinner (71.161). This dulls down the finish and seems to leave a nice dust effect.
In short ... This is all probably known as "Old School!"
6. Lastly: Post images, dress in camo and lay in wait for commentary — in this case favorable!!!

... Walk away and go have a beer!