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Quoted TextWOW Brent....Fantastic Abrams build fella!!! BTW, that photo of the Abrams is my favorite. I hope to build one similar some day.
Thanks Gary, appreciate the comment.
@ Dennis - that's pretty much exactly how I paint. A mix of old and new (ish) techniques.
My point wasn't about boring finishes so much as why people that appreciate minimal weathering don't comment more on builds like that .... if everyone that's expressed a dislike for the "show modelling" trend of hyper modulation and overuse of "brand" weathering products commented when a simpler build was posted maybe there'd be more of them shown.
The other thing I think that's clouding the issue is that extreme modulation (not controlled), the weathering that's often associated with it (particularly rust) and the products designed for it have never really been about realism per se. One of the brands associated with founding modulation clearly mentions it's an artistic representation. Personally I don't like it that much. Sometimes it suits the subject while any times it doesn't. It is striking though and that's what it attracts so many comments.
Either way I appreciate all sorts of models, artistic and clean. I always try to take away something from them all that will improve my own modelling or finishing ability.
Hi, BRENT! EXACTLY!!! Yourself, Mike @ 165th, Phil, and a few other "down-to-earth" fellow modellers, IMO see things in the proper light. My brand of "MODULATION" is achieved with careful and judicial use of my AIRBRUSHES, and only after my pre-shaded DARK BASE COAT, and my "factory-fresh original color. I DO NOT subscribe to this contemporary fetish of buying the fancy-schmancy GOO that comes pre-mixed in a small jar that costs an arm and a leg. Not that I'm cheap when it comes to modelling. Those "specially-formulated" weathering washes and filters LITERALLY CLOUD THE ISSUE when it comes to "realistic" weathering, especially when it comes to bogus "rust-effects" and "streaking-effects".
I bought a book which depicts modelling WWII Russian armor- after the modeller so capably built, corrected, detailed and painted his models, the overall effects of his weathering techniques turned out to be, in my eyes anyway, WAAAAYYY overdone, with the vehicles in question came out looking like they had just been driven through a FLOUR FACTORY!!!

I cannot advocate anything more than RESTRAINT when weathering ANYTHING. Just when you think that it isn't enough, STOP!!!