Finally an update - I have been working on this, but work etc has been pretty hectic, so it's taken some time to update. First, the trailer is more or less done - please see below - it's temporarily attached to the truck, but ultimately will be "formally" attached with air lines etc - that's to fragile for now though.
Please have a look:

And there you have it - so far so good. I'm glad the two more or less look like they belong together - that is weathering etc -
So, with that done, up come some GMVs. Turns out our friends at BNA Model World were having a sale on Academy M1025s....not expensive at all, so I ordered a few of them. The goal is to have them getting resupplied by the truck. Another goal is to do mostly scratch work for the conversions, and not order lots of stuff - each truck will require plenty already.
A realization is that while I want these to look good, I'm not of the impression that they will be as full on as the remarkable work Mario is doing right now - heck, there will be three of them! In any event, I'm hoping they look better than "good" when I'm done!
Please have a look, and guess what will be going on with this truck:

So, you can see a long way to go still - and, yes, I'm tackling several tasks at once - who knows why - but, that's the story -
thanks for checking it out!