I'm getting going on a new project. As the title notes, it will indeed involve the 2003 Battle of Debecka Pass, in Iraq. I learned of this event as I was on a search to find a written reference citing the use of the M1083 "warpig" (aka a GRV - Ground Resupply Vehicle). I'm sure many of you have seen the following pic:
It's the only version of the M1083 GRV I've seen. On an impulse I purchased a kit of the truck, and the Blackdog conversion - more on that later...
In the meantime, my task was to find out when and where this truck (M1083 GRV) was actually used (I didn't want to do a strictly hypothetical build). I finally found a written account of the battle, and in it several references are made to the use of "5 ton medium trucks", with cabs cut down to provide real time resupply. Perfect, I thought....then, I saw the following:
The said "5 ton truck"....looks like an M1078 to me, which is a 2.5 ton light truck....??
Too bad I decided - I'm building the M1083, but it will incorporate some of the elements found on the apparent M1078!
So, I'm off and running, have a look:
Step one: Above, get going with the kit and early "layer" of Voyager PE. No picnic, but, not a nightmare either....then:
Step two: Above, get going on that cab! while the Blackdog kit includes some cab parts, I preferred to cut up the original, and detail it with some Voyager parts, Pro Art parts, junk box parts/scraps, and of course some scratch work.
And, there you have it - yes! you'll see more than a few odds and ends from Live Resin too (yes, very nice!).
I've usually had good luck with Blackdog - not this time tho - the weapons were particularly bad - warped or broken out of the box....and, other parts were not cast square??? -again, not my typical experience with them.
Next mistake, I did not buy ALL of the Pro Art parts....hence, my radios/tech/coms etc include parts from many sources - hand sets and other parts just scratch built.
The good news is this isn't my first rodeo, so these "problems" were really just annoying - not deal breakers.
As for the model, I'm waiting on wheels. I ordered a set from Lucky, and in no time they arrived - but, SHORT ONE WHEEL! and not the spare...perfect. I emailed them and a wheel is on its way!
I'll provide a better summary of what I'm actually doing for the dio on another post - more modified vehicles to follow!
Thanks for having a look!
