The BMP-1 changed the game completely. In one light, agile package, it introduced a turret mounted 73mm cannon fed by an automatic loader (with a coaxial mg) and a wire guided anti-tank missile. It was equipped with periscopes and firing ports so the troops it carried could view the outside world and provide supressive fire using their AK-47's and light machine guns while under full armor protection. It also had a basic night fighting capability using active IR floodlights and was equipped with a full NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) protective system. Pretty impressive compared to the M113's that US troops were riding around in. It wouldn't be until the early 80's that US infantrymen finally had something better, in the form of the M2 Bradley.
The kit is the newly released Trumpeter BMP-1. A big step up compared to the Dragon kit that has been around since the late 80's. There are some issues with the Trumpy kit, the best list I've seen is included within this thread:
Most of the issues can be fixed with some scratchbuilding but one would be a challenge. The turret of the BMP has armor of varying thickness. It's thickets at the front, less so on the sides and is thinnest at the rear. The Russians simply added additional armor plates on the sides and front. However, the kit turret has smooth welded sections instead of the "stepped" profile of the real thing. This is pretty hard to replicate but thankfully SP Designs out of the Ukraine offers a great resin BMP correction set. It contains a new turret with the correct armor profile and multiple other parts to enhance the kit. Total cost was $5.00 and I received the kit within approx 4 weeks of being ordered. Can't go wrong with these guys! I ordered the later BMP-1P turret. This was a late 70's upgrade over the basic -1 version, it included 6 smoke grenade launchers at the rear of the turret and replaced the early generation Sagger anti-tank missile with a more modern AT-4 (similar to the Milan).
Some pictures:

Kit and the two SP Designs sets

SP Designs turret showing the layered armor plates. Don't let my crappy pictures fool you, the SP turret is much superior to the kit's.

Kit turret vrs resin.