As you guessed by the title it's at least inspired by the movie Bladerunner - a favorite of mine. So, somewhere along the line I read the text that scrolls down the screen at the beginning of the movie - and it turns out, it was supposed to take place in 2019....not that far from today!!...hmmm.

While some of the key aspects of the film are nowhere near
reality, some are...and, the scenes are sure interesting - the variety of people, places, and generally unusual urban life....seems perfect for a dio! Take a look at the images above - the collection of figures, and the street - all sorts of high and low tech stuff....
Also, some of today's tech is pretty cool too - I'm a big fan of the MATV, so, why not set it up with one of the Live Resin "super" CROWS? and....we are in a great era for all sorts of figures...and over the last few years I've been stocking up - just one or two at a time but I now have quite a few that i can use -
And I saw the image above - no, I'm not planning to duplicate the MATV at all (I don't like it all that much) - but, the context is interesting....
and below, the alley near my office....
pretty interesting eh?....
So, an idea:
The idea - some sort of bad guys, on the run from the "Tyrell Corporation", racing their way trough city streets, with the MATV and in another car "Decker" hot in pursuit - they crash into one of the city's many digital info data coms - and then, off on foot, only to find refuge down the street, in a warehouse...good guys in close pursuit, through the intense city life....
Good reasons to start a new dio!
First up, very humble origins - some illustration board, mounted over a framed painting canvas, and the basics for sidewalks, basswood and putty!
Above, the first of many coats of paint...the street Vallejo Base Grey plus some Life Color Dust II - two of my favorites!
Keeping it real...the oil and grime of the streets...
Above, getting toward the "lived in" look....and, adding some cool features:
I didn't want this thing to look like a railroad semaphore! It needed to be more high tech, like the second image from the top, so, this, is getting close!
and another, above. The computer monitor worked ok - the screen is just a few strings of white dots and lines painted on, with crystal green over the top - I do like it!
And, other street fixtures:
And where I left it yesterday:
Looking forward to what I'm hoping to be a fun build!
Thanks for checking it out