Hi model builders -- I am bringing an update today, and not just talking this time!
As always, you guys are coming in strong with lots of good ideas - I have taken some action regarding the lighting. I received an email from one of the Hobby Co's over the weekend who was having a big sale on small LED's....so, I purchased some - lucky me, the price was right - $5 or so for a short string, so ordered a few - we'll see if I can do anything creative with them! I sort of hope so. As you'll see below, the buildings are coming along, but, I'll bet they would be pretty strong with some lighting!!
Ok - first, to those of you who have left comments, or dropped by for a look, thanks!
Hi Dave - yes, the world of electronics!!! you guys are getting to me - I have to at least try something! there seem to be lots of choices
Mike! thanks for both! Yes, its a bright clear and hot day here in SF - really a drag to have to go to work on such a day! And, yes, the reasons we all build models....it's a process I like and as these are fairly complicated projects, are a good way to leave work or whatever else far behind!
Hi Kobus, thanks for dropping by and taking the time to leave a comment! I appreciate it!
Joaquin, thanks to you for taking the time! you're project is looking pretty great! the detail and colors on that mosque are something - that's quite a build!
Hi Dave - uhh. yeah...about those concept drawings, and the as-builts...as I began building this, I realized that the "mean streets" on the drawings did not look all that mean! and instead, a bit like Main Street USA at Disneyland! which, is, in it's own right pretty cool, but in this case,wrong! - I don't foresee my villains looking for smoothies, soft pretzels, or mouse club hats! So, the cutesy village went far away - and, yes, in came elements of skid row and the tough places we see in most cities! plus some of the alt future, sci-fi feel - and there you have it!
Thanks for the nice words - - funny thing about these builds, the process is it - when the project is done, off to collect dust they go!!
Ok - on to today's update:

So, I paid attention to what Mike noted about the use of decks - and as you'll see, the upper three floors each have wrapped decks, with the doors and windows flush with the wall plane.
You'll also note the big sign - that wall needed something vertical, so that's what it got!

This isn't glued together yes, so just a test fit - it is getting tall! I got tired of working on this block, so the backs/sides/etc will come later!!
I did tho do a little test with the bad-guy mobile - you'll see the concept pretty quickly - bad guys on the run in urban IFV, lose control, and get hung up! That's why the people in the cafe are looking to the right -
The vehicle is made from parts from a variety of kits and, lots of scratch work. I built this a while ago, as a "what if" - turns out with some mods, it might be good for this build. I carved open the lower hull doors, to suggest a quick escape, and carved off a variety of crap I had installed on the top of the hull, and left the hatch and added a CROWS:

and above you see, one bad-guy mobile, hung up on a knocked over barricade!

Nothing glued in place - just seeing what it looks like!
As to the walls....yes...I'm putting them down for a while - they are big and awkward - so, as a break, how about some small and difficult? - the usual suspects, with a few fancy resin (DDay, Paracel, and Industrai Mechanika) and lot of plastic from MB!
Many of the guys got their shorts converted to long pants, and the women's skirts were shortened! take a look:

The mean street will be populated by all sorts of folks - ample amounts of putty and lead foil are used throughout them to get the look needed -
OK - now, back to reality!