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I'm SURE that you understand the Toe-Out On Turns, judging from your latest line-drawing in your last post.
I am fairly sure right now I DO NOT understand.
Are you perhaps saying that currently my front axle is OK but that the toe-in settings for the rear two axles is backwards??? That they are too toed-in?
Hi, Mike!
No, what I'm saying is that your latest photo, viewed from overhead the vehicle, (with the YELLOW LINES), is now showing the proper configuration of Toe-Out On Turns. So actually, by displaying YOUR NEW Wheel Alignment configuration, you are showing me that you DO understand the concept behind Toe-Out On Turns, which is GREAT!!!

Your earlier color photo, (RED LINES), displaying from overhead, shows me that your Wheel Alignment was incorrect, in that there was NO Toe-Out On Turns.
The easiest way to remember Toe-Out On Turns is to keep in mind that ALL Wheels/Tires that are actually steering the vehicle should be SPLAYED OUTWARDS from each other AT THE FRONT of the Wheels/Tires, IF the vehicle is traveling FRONTWARDS, just as you correctly show in your last photo, (Yellow Lines).
NOTE 1: The configuration of Toe-Out On Turns IS REVERSED, IF the vehicle is traveling REARWARDS... This is ESPECIALLY true on 6 or 8-wheeled vehicles which have Front, Center, and Rear-steering. Classic examples are the WWII German 8-wheeled Armored Cars, i.e, the Sd.Kfz.231-series and Sd.Kfz.234-series...
NOTE 2: TOE-IN APPLIES ONLY IF THE VEHICLE IS TRAVELING IN A STRAIGHT LINE, and NEVER when it is making a turn in either direction...
Please understand Mike, that I'm not CRITICIZING YOUR WORK, OR PERSONALLY SINGLING YOU OUT with this info-
Time and Time AGAIN, I've seen SOME of the MOST EXPERIENCED & TALENTED MODELLERS IN THE WORLD make these same mistakes on their "first prize-winning" models!
IMO, I have a VERY HIGH OPINION of the GREAT WORK that is shown on this site by you, Gino, and quite a few other modellers- It's a long list, so you other guys, PLEASE don't be offended if I didn't mention you by name!

If I had HALF of a BRAIN, I should have published an article or a primer on "Proper Wheel Alignment for Wheeled Vehicles In Scale" a looong time ago!!!
Too busy with numerous projects on my OWN workbenches, I guess...
I'm sincerely hoping that I made myself a little clearer at this point. I apologize that I don't have enough computer skills, I don't have a printer, nor do I have a digital camera with a USB port in order to download and upload illustrations/photos of what I'm trying to explain here.
To actually VIEW a drawing or a photo, so much better illustrates a point or subject matter/info, rather than trying to put subject matter/info into words, ESPECIALLY if the subject matter is of a technical nature. It's almost as difficult sometimes as trying to describe in words, the color RED...
IMO, Tech Manuals without illustrations or photos make for some pretty frustrating reading- Almost IMPOSSIBLE to understand PROPERLY...