Thanks Marian,
Once again, back with the next update. Changing in between building the diorama and vehicles is interesting.
Keeps up with the motivation to build models as well as reduce the collection.
Here are some close images of the detail of the Miniart saloon engine and the interior of the Dragon Flak 38T
It is a good example to show how much detail the Manufacturers have gone into in today's world to produce there models.
My hat's off to both these companies on what they have given us.
There was a few corrections on the DML Falk 38t instructions noted in the image what the sprue numbers should be.
It was not easy glueng the parts together as they are intricate parts and I spent 1 or 2 times on the tiled floor trying to locate parts.
The Tamiya thin was perfect for this application.
The tamiya thin glue was the main glue used but on the bigger parts the Revell Contacta was substituted.

The Flak 38t wheels also get a mention here as there was a little sanding and trimming to clean the wheels.
With a big seam line and 4 connection marks and a slight rise on 1 half.Not happy
I'm not placing too much emphasis on adding too much extra detail into the engines as once it's in the vehicle it will be absorbed into the diorama and may not get seen.
