Hello all,
Update on the Rye Field Models Tiger I which is my entry for this campaign...
It's a nice kit that goes together quite well. Just a few additions in terms of wiring and stuff like that, and some changes based on the info on
Tiger1.InfoGiven things a quick spray of undercoat to help identify any problems.
Turret first... still need to add electrical panel and fuse box, and some detail to the vision block holders:
Driver's compartment...really not much is visible through the hatch but I've added what I think would be noticeable by its absence... still need to add a bit of wiring.
The brace between the front and centre of the tank you may notice is cut... mistake on my part as the hull was a little warped, I thought I'd straightened it but it warped again and ben this part. Once all the other "horizontal" pieces are in place, there's enough strength between them to hold things in place but this part alone was a little weak and it bent a bit. I cut it to relieve some of the stress and will fix it before I fit the hull roof. This particular area will be completely invisible (thankfully...)
For the R/O compartment, I only added a bit of wiring and then altered the MG ammunition storage as per David Byrden's info..
I left two ammo sacks missing on the left (rear rack) as they'll be on the MG mount itself.
Any comments welcome.