The green stuff was wrapped round a bunch of flowers, a tough fibrous kind of paper (I don’t know its name) which I scrunched up before gluing its edges to the foam. Just the right colour & uneven texture, roughed up with a fine wire brush it might even serve as a closely mown lawn (over a dark green base, being somewhat transparent) but here it’ll be mostly hidden so no point. I’ve been sporadically buying foliage options over the past couple of years from craft & hobby shops, maybe US$40’s-worth so still budget-friendly considering the area to cover (Total project cost to date: US$ 1,150)…
Next the curved wall – it may have been bare brickwork in reality but again hardly visible in this diorama so I took the easy option, concrete panels…
Sieved sandy soil mixed with dilute white glue was enough for the paths. Tempting to add some graffiti to the walls, instead just some basic weathering with dry powder paints because…
Just test-fitting there, at 1 metre long the Francheville (“Moss sheet ribbon green” on the label) strip’s not quite enough to go all around the curved wall but that’s OK, with some pruning I need to keep half of it for later – not too shabby for hedges/creepers though, even if it is shedding already.
Next: the garden beds, some wall-hugging weeds and lastly (gulp) the trees