Welcome to Mock-up v2, orientation altered for reasons as per my last post:

I’m taking an alternative approach in these trials because it seems far less of the background will be visible/in focus - I still need to do some but maybe not so detailed, experiments continue. These test-shots (a fraction of what may be 25 to 30 final photos in the Big One) are captioned with the results of latest research which has substantially altered my view of how the event unfolded, & further down I’ll explain how/why.
Kubis on the bend, Gabcik on the right looking way down the street (with an uninterrupted view) to the only other accomplice (Valcik) standing on the same side…with a mirror (!), signaling Heydrich’s approach…

Gabcik has run over to the bend having already assembled his Sten…

…and probably doesn’t actually step in front of the car…

The gun having jammed, driver Klein starts to accelerate away…

…but Heydrich orders him to stop, stands up in the car & is unholstering his pistol…

…when Kubis (unnoticed by Heydrich) tosses the grenade…

Klein stops the car (either tidily round the bend or it stalls across the kerbside tramline when the grenade explodes), jumps out and chases after Kubis who runs across the street to where Gabcik had been originally standing, jumps on his bike & pedals away down the street the car had just driven up. Meanwhile Heydrich gets out onto the sidewalk and starts shooting at Gabcik who runs past the front of Tram #3 and up the street in the opposite direction to Kubis…

Klein runs back towards Heydrich who orders him to chase after Gabcik, after which he collapses near the car…

I’ll save what happened next for when I’ve worked out how to depict it! Anyhow this is where all that came from, it finally arrived yesterday…

The author’s primary source for the assassination itself was SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Heinz von Pannwitz’s 1942 investigation report plus a post-war self-serving account of it - he was incidentally also instrumental in the reprisals yet died peacefully in his sleep in 1975. Secondly, Miroslav Ivanov’s book “Target:Heydrich” (publ 1974) gathered surviving witness statements which Macdonald also uses. In all the endlessly re-hashed crap I’ve seen on the internet neither of these sources came up, I’d never even heard of them before this book arrived, published in 1989! Now I remember what Libraries used to be used for.
There was no hat-lady or car. There was only one other accomplice at the scene. Gabcik & Kubic were packing Colt revolvers (not Brownings) and both fired them, no wonder they only found German shells on the ground. I could go on, so much detail and from what appear to be the most reliable available sources. I haven’t read the whole book yet but there are only two outstanding questions for my purposes – the colour of the Merc (yes it looks black except in a couple of close-ups…), and whether the Gestapo photographic reconstruction happened the same day or some days later. The sketch I posted a week or so ago was done same-day, but not necessarily the photographs.
Turns out I now need a Czech-looking Bread van and a “small furniture-polish van” (hey Frenchy got any free time…?!) plus yet more civilians, so that budget blow-out’s definitely sending me into US$1,000+ territory. However my preferred supplier looks like coming to the party, or at least for cocktails - more later.
Meanwhile something else pulled up outside yesterday…