Thanks HP,
Very interesting links – love the James Bond cable-pistol. Makes me wonder – Gabcik & Kubis were both packing those Colts on the day with 14 bullets between them (plus a bag with more magazines, abandoned at the scene) so why did they bother with a Sten & grenades when all they had to do was stand astride their bikes, use the 2 semi-automatic pistols at point-blank range, and ride away? Kubis could still have had the grenade ready in his other hand. Very strange that all four players displayed varying degrees of incompetence in those 30 seconds, & such an unlikely fluke that a single piece of shrapnel penetrated the cars’s underpan/chassis, back seat, front seat, Heydrich’s uniform, ribcage & 1.5” of tissue, bringing infection to an otherwise fully recoverable wound.
Anyhow it only took me 2 minutes to piece together the crime-scene ammo & Pannewitz’s commentary (material publicly available since 1959 at the latest) to come up with the Model 1903 .32 as the most likely candidate. And now your links confirm both Colts (with the given serial #s) are on open display in the Prague Memorial crypt museum! So how does a bunch of other writers including MacDonald come up with revolvers & other Colt models & Brownings over the past 30 years? How & why do they make this stuff up when the facts have always been there?
Back to work - as already mentioned there’s a complicated sequence of tasks involved so before tackling the seats the damaged panel sections needed progressing:

The underpan hole may get enlarged but it won’t be too visible in the end. The heavy wire looped round the transmission tunnel’s to anchor the car to the dio base for the blast - I was liable to forget if I didn’t provide for it now. From the other side…

Now the kit seats, inadequate in every way because they’re the basic military issue…

…and after augmentation, front seats separated…

Next, prepping the damaged version of the back seat…


Photos of the real thing indicate the bench seat was blown upwards and re-settled askew something like this…

My wife Susie’s offered me two items to help with construction. The first was the titanium plate that’s been holding her broken wrist bones together since January, surgically removed last Monday…

…maybe to strengthen the chassis against the blast?

OK maybe not but sometime it’ll come in handy boom-tish. On the um other hand her second item’s got far more potential…