Thanks again John. The RAF green is quite dark so the yellow is really needed, last highlights and mist coat was probably 60:40 green/yellow. Gloss coat has darkened it markedly but Matt will bring it back somewhat.
Just a quick update to prove it is progressing. Green on extinguishers, gloss coat on and tracks painted and washed.
So, I decided to experiment with this kit I have spent crazy hours on, clever eh!? My bottle of Klear hasn’t been as reliable as in the past so I thought I would try Tamiya clear x22 with Tamiya lacquer thinner(retarder type), and it actually seems to have gone down rather well, PHEW!!! I have also painted the port side running gear black after all. I nearly masked the engine deck to do it brown but it is staying green.
A word of warning about the tracks. I painted them red brown, masked and painted the pads rubber black, then started my usual mig enamel dark wash. The thinner seemed to attack the glued joints and it started to fail in a few places. So I stopped, repaired and used Flory washes dark wash, which is a water based clay type product, instead which ended up looking pretty good I think.
A couple of questions if I may. Firstly, the orange beacon on the turret roof has a rather high pole in the model compared to the shots of the real thing I’ve seen, is this extendable, or fixed? And secondly, what length would the two aerials be?
Thanks for looking, Jim.