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Red Cross campaign?
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
Joined: December 30, 2003
KitMaker: 513 posts
Armorama: 291 posts
Posted: Sunday, August 28, 2005 - 08:20 AM UTC
I've got a question..... could I enter an RAF Search & Rescue launch in the campaign. It had medics and was kinda a water-borne amulance. Also I have a Tamiya Ambulance recently completed, coul;d I use this as another entry?

Just asking....

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Pennsylvania, United States
Joined: July 13, 2004
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Posted: Sunday, August 28, 2005 - 11:49 PM UTC

Quoted Text

I've got a question..... could I enter an RAF Search & Rescue launch in the campaign. It had medics and was kinda a water-borne amulance. Also I have a Tamiya Ambulance recently completed, coul;d I use this as another entry?

Just asking....

Greetings, Shaun...
Although this question should be answered by the campaign leader, I can just about guess what the answer(s) will be...as long as there is a reference to a "medical use" on the RAF vehicle, (such as proper and accurate Red Cross insignia), the entry will adhere to the campaign guidelines...as far as the completed vehicle, I don't think that it will be allowed...not really fair to the other entrants who are building models for the campaign, you know what I mean??...but like I said before, the final answer will have to come from our campaign leader...
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England - South East, United Kingdom
Joined: January 20, 2002
KitMaker: 1,667 posts
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Posted: Monday, August 29, 2005 - 01:23 AM UTC
I have allowed SAR aircraft so yes a Search and Rescue launch is also eligible. But as you've already built the tamiya ambulance I would say no to that one.
