Wow how things have developed here.........
I've been a member here for a few years and have read some of the "controversial" posting over the last week or so. I actually almost let myself get sucked into it all. I even have went as far as typing posts three different times only to find myself either deleting the post right after I submitted it or I dumped what I typed without posting it. I really had nothing positive or productive to say. I found myself criticizing one change or another or telling person why what they were posting was wrong or inappropriate. After I read what I had typed each time, I found myself pretty embarrassed for what I was about to say and realized how unproductive I was being.
I have to admit, I have a fondness for the "good ol days" before the changes. But you know what, instead of dwelling in the past and being obstacles to progress, we all might as well embrace what is happening here and help the change continue. Productive, respectful criticism is always a good thing. Belly aching and whining needs to be left at the door.
I resisted the "new" site at the beginning because I was being resistant to change. I finally told myself one day that I was going to sit down like I had never been here before and try to look at the site with an open mind. I concluded that the site is truly better than it once was.
The site isn't a place where you find all modelling subjects in one stop anymore. But you know what, that isn't a bad thing. I now understand the necessity of "branching" out. The amount of content for each modelling subject (armor, aircraft, ships, etc.) is absolutely staggering. It's no wonder Jim had to branch out. That may not be his reason however, only my perception.
As for this site not having the sense of "community" anymore, I don't really think that is a fair statement. I look at the early days of armorama as the beginning of a family. As with any family, life leads everyone in different directions. Some people live at home forever, some people move to other states, countries, etc. As the family gets bigger, you unavoidably can't visit with everyone all the time. Sometimes you have to look for that family member that was once there in the same room with you. The evolution of this site has been like the evolution of a family in a way. There were children, who moved away and had grandchildren, who moved away and had great-grand children, etc. Think of each subject branching off as the "children" I just referenced. Eventually the house isn't big enough the others need a place of their own. So, as time has gone on, Jims "family" has grown. As it has gotten bigger it, understandbly, has not necessarily maintained its feeling of being the small family it once was. You know why? Because it isn't a small family anymore. Its huge and will continue to grow. That is life. That doesn't mean that we all can't be close like we used to be. We might just have to work a little harder at it.
There is a saying in military (18 years in the US Army and still going):
"You are either part of the solution or part of the problem". Ask yourself, which are you?
Change is ineviteable guys and gals. Embrace it and help Jim guide it. Don't try to hold back the progress, there is nothing beneficial about that. I think Jims vision is guided, grounded and headed the right way.
Think about it. Don't let yourself get sucked into the negativity like I almost did. Armorama is truly the best modelling community on the web. Help it stay that way. Negativity doesn't benefit anyone.
In the mean time, do some modelling, contribute to the site and encourage others to get involved.