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If I can make one observatioin about your camo paint:
Often I see models with camo lines with what I call the "Giant airbrusher" effect. What I mean is this: in reality, the tank would have been painted by a person lugging around a paint sprayer, attached to a long air hose. He would have had to clamber over fittings, duck and hold on wry positions, reach up or around to finish areas.
Modellers sometimes fight so hard to have an exquisite snaky camouflage scheme that no real, overworked and time-pressed maintenance man would have cared to do. Try to look at the tank from "eye" level of a scale mainatenance person. What would the paint look like? Would it be unbroken for 15 feet? Nope.
I've really tried to think logically about form and function of things we normally see on models. I hope this makes sense and is useful to you.
I must say I agree that this is all very logical, and would probably be the realistic way to make such camo. This is one topic of many, that I have been reading different opinions on lately ... drybrushed whitewash with damp pastels for a true finish versus sprayed on "perfect" whitewash ... to chip or not to chip ... pioneer tools being natural or vehicle colour ..etc.
I personally admit, I´ll do something wrong to please the eye, rather doing it right, and not being entirely happy with it. Im not trying to open up old wounds or start a "right and wrong" war either, but I when I thought about Roy´s post, eventhough it sounded sensible, logical and most likely accurate, I dont think I could ever bring myself around to, breaking up a camo scheme, for realisms sake, if it didnt look appealing to me.
But as modellers, is it better to have irregular camo with natural "scale" breaks to ensure realism, or have a perfect technique that consistently provides the unbroken 15 foot camo snakes? If looking at a scale model would the realistic finish give the impression of a failed airbrush technique, or does a perfect camo give the impression of artistic license?
Is a well done technique as important on a scale model, as it being 100% historically accurate?