Armor/AFV: Allied - WWII
Armor and ground forces of the Allied forces during World War II.
Hosted by Darren Baker
Why not more Shermans in the Gallery
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Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Thursday, February 27, 2003 - 11:29 AM UTC
The Sherman is the WW2 tank that gives more pleasure to have in my collection. I also build German armor, but the Sherman has some kind of magic for me (shermanholic?). I think that the same happens to other armor modelers. But taking a look to the gallery it sems to me that there are not to many Shermans, I ask myself why ?
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Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Thursday, February 27, 2003 - 11:38 AM UTC
I think the reason is that the sherman only had a few variations on color and cammo. I know Shermans were used in every theater in the war but there just wasn't a whole lot of variety. I love to build shermans too. I can only have so many OD Green or Micky Mouse ear pattern or Pacific Cammo'd shermans. Now if you go to Korea or Israel or other countries who used Shermans after the war you might find more interesting stuff.
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California, United States
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Posted: Thursday, February 27, 2003 - 11:39 AM UTC
Coming to this site inspired me to do my very first M4 - ever! I think there are several nice buildups of the M4 here in the Gallery - just not all in the same place. There are probably more some regular members have built, but haven't submitted because they haven't the chance to photograph or upload them electronically.

Help stir up that interest - and maybe - a Sherman Gallery will appear!

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Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, February 27, 2003 - 12:50 PM UTC
A gallery...devoted to just Shermans.(sound of slobber hitting the work bench) That would be too cool. Practical though...I'm not too sure. Like the market, the lion's share of armour models built are not Shermans, not allied armour, but German armour. I'm not sure whether a Sherman Gallery would be as popular with the masses as it would with us Sherman fanatics. Yes I would love it, other Sherman addicts would love it, but there just aren't that many of us.

To quote a famous american:
It ain't easy being green.
Kermit the Frog

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Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Thursday, February 27, 2003 - 02:08 PM UTC
I think a gallery of Shermans could be great ! There must be a lot of people in the hobby who loves the Sherman tank, and I think that it doesn t matter if there are not a lot of cammo s or a lot of diferent versions of the most popular tank of WW2. Better, this could make the diference between the finished kits. We can focus not only on the accuracy of the model, but we can try to make the best looking Sherman, you know, details, painting, weathering, etc...
It can be fun and very creative. :-)
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Washington, United States
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Posted: Saturday, March 01, 2003 - 09:41 AM UTC
Not a lot of variations of the Sherman? I can't believe what I'm hearing. Even if we are just talking about paint schemes, one has the following short list from which to choose:
British Sherman in North Africa camo
US Sherman in the pacific camo
US Sherman in Italy camo
US Sherman in NW Europe camo
Commonwealth Shermans
Soviet Shermans
Sherman in German markings
Israeli Shermans
Korean War Shermans
Any other foreign owned Sherman

And if we talk about vehicle configurations, the list could be several pages long. I have to hold myself in check to keep from buying nothing but Sherman kits in order to build one of everything; mine rollers and rocket launchers and dozers and howitzers and hedgerow cutters and prime movers and flame throwers and all the different gun tanks, oh my!

LONG LIVE THE SHERMAN!!!! May it's gallery of pictures overflow! Men, WE CAN DO IT!!!
Send in those pictures! I'm shooting a picture off to the gallery this evening. Who's with me?
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Florida, United States
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Posted: Saturday, March 01, 2003 - 11:58 AM UTC
Eeek! A post like this is going to force me to buy a new Digi. Camera!!!
I have two more Sherms I finished that need photographing.
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California, United States
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Posted: Sunday, March 02, 2003 - 03:40 AM UTC

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Eeek! A post like this is going to force me to buy a new Digi. Camera!!!
I have two more Sherms I finished that need photographing.

Heh heh - I hope you get one soon! I think if Jim knew we had, say a dozen, Sherman types already ready to go upload - then he consider creating a Sherman Gallery. I'd sure like to show everyone how beautiful plain 'ol Olive Drab can be - and how many Sherman variations modelers can come up with!

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Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, March 02, 2003 - 04:01 AM UTC
A dozen you say Gunnie....hhhmmm....just scanning my shelves and work bench I could come close to that.

On the shelves:
1) VC Firefly - built with the old MP Models M4A4 Conversion
2) M4 Early with direct vision blocks - old Kirin resin conversion (I think)
3) M4A3 HVSS - another old MP conversion
4) M4A3 76(W)
5) M4A1 with Mineroller
6) M7 Priest Kangaroo

On the bench:
1) M32 B3 Recovery Vehicle
2) M4 with interior
3) M36 B1
4) M4A1 76(W)

In the drawer and started:
1) M4A3 E2 Jumbo
2) M4A3 105
3) M4 composite hull

Does look like a rallying of the Sherman Fanatics is about to take place.
Build it and they will come.
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Kansas, United States
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Posted: Sunday, March 02, 2003 - 04:45 AM UTC
Hmmmmm ...

I've been thinking of borrowing the digital camera from work and shooting all my Sherms and variants, then posting them in a Yahoo photo album. Maybe they could go on Armorama instead.

On the shelf:
Early M4A1 in British North Africa markings (major conversion of Nichimo kit)
M4 composite Pacific markings (kit-bashed Italeri hulls)
M4A3E2 Jumbo
M4 105 howitzer
M4A3(76)W HVSS (mix of Tamiya hull, Italeri turret with corrected barrel, MB suspension)
Mid-production M4 75mm in Italian theater camo (AEF hull)
M4A3 "Calliope"
Sherman Crab II (scratch-built conversion on MB M4A4 hull)
VC Firefly (from ancient AEF conversion kit)
M-10 (from old Minicraft kit -- scratch-built hull with interior, rebuilt everything else)
... plus a few others that need to be rebuilt because they were damaged in my last move.

On the bench awaiting paint and final finishing:
M-10 late (bash of Academy kits)
IC Firefly
M4A3 105 howitzer
Israeli M50 (old MB kit)
Mid-production M4 with full engine and interior
M4A3 75mm (brewed up for my Dragon Wagon trailer)

On deck or barely started:
M4A1(76)W w/HVSS
M4A3(76)W w/HVSS Korea
M32 (I had one of these before, but it was destroyed in an accident)
VC Firefly (DML this time)
M4A4 75mm

And, yes, I do build stuff other than Shermans ...
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Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Sunday, March 02, 2003 - 02:18 PM UTC

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Not a lot of variations of the Sherman? I can't believe what I'm hearing. Even if we are just talking about paint schemes, one has the following short list from which to choose:
British Sherman in North Africa camo
US Sherman in the pacific camo
US Sherman in Italy camo
US Sherman in NW Europe camo
Commonwealth Shermans
Soviet Shermans
Sherman in German markings
Israeli Shermans
Korean War Shermans
Any other foreign owned Sherman

And if we talk about vehicle configurations, the list could be several pages long. I have to hold myself in check to keep from buying nothing but Sherman kits in order to build one of everything; mine rollers and rocket launchers and dozers and howitzers and hedgerow cutters and prime movers and flame throwers and all the different gun tanks, oh my!

LONG LIVE THE SHERMAN!!!! May it's gallery of pictures overflow! Men, WE CAN DO IT!!!
Send in those pictures! I'm shooting a picture off to the gallery this evening. Who's with me?

Of course i`m with you. Let`s do the Sherman Gallery !!! I don`t have a digital camera but a friend of mine that works in a news paper photograph dept. can help me (he took the photo of my Tiger I with the whitewash that`s in the gallery). Next week I`ll will photog. my three Shermans and I will send them to Jim. WHO ELSE ?
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Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Sunday, March 02, 2003 - 02:19 PM UTC

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Eeek! A post like this is going to force me to buy a new Digi. Camera!!!
I have two more Sherms I finished that need photographing.

Come on, buy that camera and send the photos !!!
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Oklahoma, United States
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Posted: Sunday, March 02, 2003 - 04:04 PM UTC
The reason you don't see many Shermans is that they get hit and burn before they get to be shown off..(ronson lighter anyone???)..lol j/k..
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Vatican City
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Posted: Sunday, March 02, 2003 - 04:16 PM UTC
If you guys have a Sherman gallery, then we need a Panther or Tiger gallery.... #:-)
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Posted: Sunday, March 02, 2003 - 04:19 PM UTC
This may give me a chance to display my OOB Tamiya Jumbo next to the as of yet unbuilt Tamiya Jumbo with Tank Workshop turret, hull, tranny cover and gun. The original one was built before my kids were born.
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Posted: Monday, March 03, 2003 - 05:38 AM UTC

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If you guys have a Sherman gallery, then we need a Panther or Tiger gallery.... #:-)

Heh heh - wouldn't 'ya know the German AFV's would be close behind this idea!

Gunnie :-) :-)
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California, United States
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Posted: Monday, March 03, 2003 - 05:42 AM UTC
Well - I see that the interest is there - so why wait?

I could create a Sherman Gallery folder - so send the submissions to me at staff_gunnie @ armorama.com like you would an article or news report. I'll work with the images and upload them into the Gallery. Also - if you guys want to include notes and prose about building the model(s) hint hint that would be great to forward as well. Your combined knowledge about these tanks is impressive - share it with all the potential viewers of your images.

Well see how it goes before creating a "kitty file" for Panthers and Tigers...

NOTE: There already is a Shermie-Fest Gallery present here, with 11 models in there. Using that one would negate the idea of creating a new one. Perhaps it could be brought out into the "open" more. I know I had to go looking to find it. What do you guys think?

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Indiana, United States
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Posted: Monday, March 03, 2003 - 06:30 AM UTC

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If you guys have a Sherman gallery, then we need a Panther or Tiger gallery.... #:-)

Herr Fieldmarshal Davidus;
I see no need for der "or" in your statement. As a point of fact it should be an "and". #:-) Perhaps, if "we" german afv treadenkoph pleased we could offer the "Tiger und Panther Sherman snackie gallery ! Photos of our victorius und manly panzers making short work of the OD critter! Yes! #:-) Here kommeraden it flows deep! The feeling of pride that is....

(auctally, I'll be starting work on a sherman at some point soon. Would like to thank everyone who has been so helpful with info. I have a secret project in progress #:-) which was undertaken while influenced by the fluvian interrogation)

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Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Monday, March 03, 2003 - 06:44 AM UTC
I HUMBLY stand corrected! I really didn't realize the number of different variations of Shermans available. I guess that building mostly German armor, I never really got into the US stuff. I'll have to pay more attention from now on. Jeff
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Colorado, United States
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Posted: Monday, March 03, 2003 - 07:06 AM UTC
Actually, according to this website http://www.wwiivehicles.com/html/usa/m4_sherman.html there are over 50 different variations of the Sherman, just in the US army. Not counting all the other allied armies. Now a lot of these variations are very minor changes but that is still a LOT of variations. You could really go your entire modeling career just making Shermans.
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Posted: Monday, March 03, 2003 - 08:01 AM UTC
I am a shermaholic there are many sherman variants even german captured shermans with brilliant cammo designs.
To me i just cant justifie building armor of the third reich being american and all.
Thanks Branden
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Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 - 02:24 AM UTC

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Well - I see that the interest is there - so why wait?

I could create a Sherman Gallery folder - so send the submissions to me at staff_gunnie @ armorama.com like you would an article or news report. I'll work with the images and upload them into the Gallery. Also - if you guys want to include notes and prose about building the model(s) hint hint that would be great to forward as well. Your combined knowledge about these tanks is impressive - share it with all the potential viewers of your images.

Well see how it goes before creating a "kitty file" for Panthers and Tigers...

NOTE: There already is a Shermie-Fest Gallery present here, with 11 models in there. Using that one would negate the idea of creating a new one. Perhaps it could be brought out into the "open" more. I know I had to go looking to find it. What do you guys think?


Let me understand. Sending the images to that direction, they will appear in the Armorama Gallery like a Sherman folder ?
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Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 - 02:36 AM UTC
Looking in the web I found a site (www.jed) that gives all this versions for the Sherman and other Sherman based vehicles.

Centipede - Experimental suspension type.
Chenca - Mexican Army upgraded M32.
Grizzly - Canadian production of the M4A1.
Isherman - Generic designator for Sherman tanks in Israeli service.
M1 Dozer Kit - Dozer blade kit for VVVS vehicles.
M1A1 Dozer Kit Dozer blade for HVSS vehicles.
M3-4-E12KA - Flamethrower equipped version.
M4 [75 VVSS] - Welded hull,and Continental R-975 engine.
M4 [105 HVSS] - M4[105] with new suspension and increased armour protection.
M4 [105 VVSS] - Fitted with VVSS suspension.
M4 [BE Dozer] - Turretless belgian conversion fitted with dozer blade.
M4 [Crocodile] - M4 modified to use British crocodile equipment.
M4 [Dozer] - M4 modified to carry a dozer blade in Italy.
M4 [Mobile Assault Bridge] - Field modification in Italy of a standard M4 to carry a bridge.
M4 [Trinity Test Vehicle] - M4 used for observation purposes after the trinity test.
M4A1 [75 VVSS] - Cast hull and Continental R-975 engine.
M4A1 [76 VVSS] - New main armament.
M4A1E4 [Korea] - M4A1 remanufactured during the Korean war and retrofitted with 76mm guns.
M4A1E4 [BMY] - M4A1 remanufactured post-war by BMY and retrofitted with 76mm guns.
M4A2 [75 VVSS] - Welded hull and Twin GM 6-71 engines.
M4A2 [76 HVSS] - New main armament.
M4A2E4 - Experimental suspension type.
M4A3 [75 VVSS] - Welded hull and Ford GAA V-8 engine.
M4A3 [76 VVSS] - New main armament.
M4A3 [105 HVSS] - Fitted with 105mm howitzer.
M4A3 [105 VVSS] - Fitted with 105mm howitzer.
M4A3E2 - Heavily armoured infantry support tank.
M4A3E4 - M4A3 remanufactured post-war by BMY and retrofitted with 76mm guns.
M4A4 - Welded hull with Chrysler WC multibank engine.
M4A4T - Ex-French M4A4 in israeli service.
M4A4 [FL-10 Turret] - M4A4 modified with M4A2 engine and AMX-13 turret for Egyptian Army.
M4A5 - American designation for the Canadian Ram tank.
M4A6 - Welded and Cast hull with Caterpillar RD-1820 radial diesel engine.
M4E1 - Experimental 105mm armed medium tank.
M4E6 - Experimental 76mm armed medium tank.
M5-4 - See M42B1, M42B3.
M32 - Recovery vehicle, medium, full-track based on standard M4.
M32A1 - Recovery vehicle, medium, 16 1/2 inch full-track.
M32A1B1 - Recovery vehicle, medium, 23 3/4 inch full-track based on M4A1.
M32A1B2 - Recovery vehicle, medium, full-track.
M32A1B3 - Recovery vehicle, medium, full-track.
M32B1 - Recovery vehicle, medium, crane & a-frame, full-track, based on M4A1 chassis.
M32B2 - Armored recovery vehicle based on M4A2 chassis.
M32B3 - Armored recovery vehicle based on M4A3 chassis.
M32B4 - Recovery vehicle, medium, 16 1/2 inch track, based on M4A4 chassis.
M33 - Tank, prime mover, medium, full-track, 31-ton.
M34 - M32B1 modified for the prime mover role.
M36 Jackson - Gun Motor Carriage series.
M42B1 - M4A1 fitted with E12-7R1 flamethrower in lieu of main armament.
M42B3 - M4A3 fitted with E12-7R1 flamethrower in lieu of main armament.
M-50 - Series of Israeli Modified Shermans of various marks.
M-51 - Series of Israeli modified Shermans of various marks.
Sherman I - M4 w/75mm.
Sherman (Hybrid)I - See Sherman I.
Sherman IB - M4 w/105mm howitzer, 593 supplied to the British.
Sherman IBY - M4 w/105mm howitzer and HVSS.
Sherman IC - M4A1 w/17pdr gun.
Sherman II - M4A1 w/75mm, 942 supplied to the British.
Sherman IIA - M4A1 w/76mm, 1,330 supplied to the British.
Sherman IIB - M4A1 w/105mm.
Sherman III - M4A2 w/75mm, 5,041 supplied, used for DD, DDI, DDII, & DDIII versions.
Sherman IIIAY - M4A2 w/76mm, HVSS, 5 supplied, used for DDIII version.
Sherman IV - M4A3 w/75mm, 7 supplied to the British.
Sherman IVA - M4A3 w/76mm.
Sherman IVB - M4A3 w/105mm howitzer.
Sherman IVC - M4A3 w/17-pdr gun.
Sherman V - M4A4 w/75mm, 7,167 supplied, used for DD & DDI versions
Sherman V (Guards) - Fitted with Typhoon rocket launcher rails on turret sides.
Sherman VC - M4A4 w/17-pdr gun.
Sherman VII - M4A6 w/75mm.
Sherman VIIC - M4A6 w/17-pdr gun.
Sherman AMRCR No 1A Mark 1 - Fitted with mine roller device.
Sherman Lulu - Sherman fitted with mine detector system.
Sherman Repotenciado - Series of Argentinian upgraded sherman, 1977 - 1992.
Sherman Twaby Ark - Surplus sherman converted to ARK ramp-type bridgelayer.
T1 aka Aunt Jemima - Series of mine roller devices.
T3 aka Spider - Series of mine flail devices.
T5 - Pilot model for the M32 armoured recovery vehicle.
T6 - Sherman series prototype.
T34 Calliope - Multi-barrel rocket launcher mount fitted to various models of the M4.
T52 - Gun motor carriage 40mm.
T53 - Gun motor carriage 90mm.
T53E1 - Improved T53 with outriggers and gunshield.

They´re really a lot.

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California, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 - 02:57 AM UTC

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Quoted Text

Well - I see that the interest is there - so why wait?

I could create a Sherman Gallery folder - so send the submissions to me at staff_gunnie @ armorama.com like you would an article or news report. I'll work with the images and upload them into the Gallery. Also - if you guys want to include notes and prose about building the model(s) hint hint that would be great to forward as well. Your combined knowledge about these tanks is impressive - share it with all the potential viewers of your images.

Well see how it goes before creating a "kitty file" for Panthers and Tigers...

NOTE: There already is a Shermie-Fest Gallery present here, with 11 models in there. Using that one would negate the idea of creating a new one. Perhaps it could be brought out into the "open" more. I know I had to go looking to find it. What do you guys think?


Let me understand. Sending the images to that direction, they will appear in the Armorama Gallery like a Sherman folder ?

To be brief - YES...

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Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 - 05:25 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Quoted Text

Quoted Text

Well - I see that the interest is there - so why wait?

I could create a Sherman Gallery folder - so send the submissions to me at staff_gunnie @ armorama.com like you would an article or news report. I'll work with the images and upload them into the Gallery. Also - if you guys want to include notes and prose about building the model(s) hint hint that would be great to forward as well. Your combined knowledge about these tanks is impressive - share it with all the potential viewers of your images.

Well see how it goes before creating a "kitty file" for Panthers and Tigers...

NOTE: There already is a Shermie-Fest Gallery present here, with 11 models in there. Using that one would negate the idea of creating a new one. Perhaps it could be brought out into the "open" more. I know I had to go looking to find it. What do you guys think?


Let me understand. Sending the images to that direction, they will appear in the Armorama Gallery like a Sherman folder ?

To be brief - YES...


Ok Gun Truck, as I said in another post, when I get the photos (I belive in one or two weeks as much) I´ll send them to you. Who else join this motion :-)