Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 06:32 AM UTC
Sometimes, there are times when a Reprint (or occasionally a Re-Pop) can be VERY good news indeed. This announcement from Bison Decals is definitely one of them.
Beginning with the 1/35th Scale Sets:
BD-35042 - INDOCHINE #2 1945-55
M8 75mm HMC -'FOUGEUX' - R.I.C.M, October 1953.
M5A1 Stuart - 3e R.C.A. or R.I.C.M, Haiphong 1946.
M5A1 - '1' - 1er R.E.C, January 1946.
Universal Carrier - 'COLMAR' - 43e R.I.C.
M24 Bison - 'DUNKERQUE' - R.I.C.M, October 1953.
M8 Greyhound - 'SONG DAY' - 3e R.B.V, 1954.
Panhard 178 B - 'FONTENOY' - 3e R.S.M, 1952.
Panhard 178 B - 'NAM-DINH' - Unknown unit.
LVT-4 Alligator - 'COLMAR' - 1er R.E.C, 2e G.A. 1954.
LVT(A)-4 Alligator - 'JARNAO' - 1er R.E.C, 2e G.A. 1954.
LVT-4 Alligator w. 40mm Bofors - 'JACINE' - 1er R.E.C, 2e G.A. 1954.
M29C Crabe - 'IC-91563' - 1er R.E.C, 2e G.A. 1950.
M29C Crabe - 'IC-93702' - 1er R.E.C, 2e G.A. 1953.
M29C Crabe - 'IC-94620' - 1er R.E.C, 1er G.A. 1953
(R.S.M. = Regiment de Spahis Marocains.
R.B.V. = Regiment Blinde Vietnamien.
R.I.C = Regiment d'Infanterie Colonial.
R.I.C.M. = Regiment d'Infanterie Colonial du Maroc.
R.E.C. = Regiment Etranger de Cavalerie (Foreign Legion).
G.A. = Groupements Amphibies).
Sherman II 'Santick', HQ 2nd Armoured Brigade, October 1942.
Sherman II, HQ 2nd Armoured Brigade, October 1942.
Sherman II, 3rd RTR, 8th Armoured Brigade, October 1942.
Sherman II, 3rd King's Own Hussars, 9th Armoured Brigade, Nov. 1942.
Sherman II, 3rd King's Own Hussars, 9th Armoured Brigade, Nov. 1942.
Sherman II, 3rd King's Own Hussars, 9th Armoured Brigade, Sep. 1942.
Sherman II 'Iowa', Warwickshire Yeomanry, 9th Armoured Brigade, Dec. 1942.
Sherman II, 10th Royal Hussars, 2nd Armoured Brigade, Nov. 1942.
Sherman II, 9th Queens Royal Lancers, 2nd Armoured Brigade, Oct. 1942.
Sherman II, 9th Queens Royal Lancers, 2nd Armoured Brigade, Oct. 1942.
Sherman II, The Queen's Bays, 2nd Armoured Brigade, Nov. 1942.
Sherman III 'Bacchus', 41st RTR, 24th Armoured Brigade, October 1942.
Sherman III 'Dover', HQ 24th Armoured Brigade, October 1942.
Sherman III 'Cocky', 41st RTR, 24th Armoured Brigade, October 1942.
Sherman III 'Cocky', Royal Scots Greys, 4th Light Armoured Brigade, December 1942.
Sherman III 'Benghazi', 41st RTR, 24th Armoured Brigade, October 1942.
Sherman III, The Queen's Bays, 2nd Armoured Brigade, April 1943.
Sherman III 'Furious II', The Queen's Bays, 2nd Armoured Brigade, early 1943
BD-35088 - AFGHAN TANKS, part 1
. Markings for various T-54B, T-55, T-55AM and MAZ-357 as used
by the many warlords and armies in Afghanistan in the last 10 years of fighting. Markings for 13 complete models. This is a reprint. Minor changes have been made to the markings on this set, and some extra turret numbers (for T-55s) have been added. Otherwise it's the same vehicles you can build.
Sherman Mk III - 3rd County of London Yeomanry (CLY)
Sherman Mk III - The Royal Scots Greys (2nd Dragoons). in 1st October 1943.
Sherman Mk III - 46th RTR. Anzio 1944.
Sherman Mk III - 46th RTR. Anzio 1944.
Sherman Mk IIB - The Queen's Bays, 2nd Armoured Bde.San Martino in November 1944.
BD-35091 - TIGERS OF s.SS-Pz.Abt. 101
Befehls-Tiger I - '009' Stabs kompanie.
Tiger I 'late production' - '112' 1. komp. Villers-Boucage.
Tiger I 'mid production' - '131' 1. komp.
Tiger I 'late production' - '205' 2. komp. road to Normandie.
Tiger I 'late production' - '221' 2. komp. road to Normandie.
Tiger I 'late production' - '222' 2. komp. June 14, outside Villers-Boucage.
Tiger I 'late production' - '231' 2. komp. June 14, outside Villers-Boucage.
Tiger I 'mid production' - '331' 3. komp.
Tiger I 'mid production' - '334' 3. komp.
Dingo Mk II - 50th RTR, 23rd Armoured Brigade. Sfax in Tunisia, March 1943.
Dingo Mk II - NZAC Training Depot, near the Red Sea in 1945.
Dingo Mk - - 11th Hussars, 7th Armoured Division, Holland in winter 1944-45.
Dingo Mk Ia - 3rd RTR, 1st Armoured Div, BEF. Holland 1940.
Dingo Mk II - HQ 2nd NZ Division, El Alamein front in November 1942.
Dingo Mk II - 8th Kings Royal Irish Hussars, 7th Armoured Division, Germany 1945.
Dingo Mk II - 10th Mounted Rifles, 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade (Polish), England in 1942-43.
Dingo Mk II - 5th RTR, 4th Armoured Brigade, 7th Armoured Division. Libya in 1942.
Dingo Mk II - 1st Corps.
Dingo Mk II - 4th Field Squadron, RE, 7th Armoured Division. Libya in 1942.
1/72 Sets:
M4A1 DD Sherman - 'ANNE' / '16' - 70th Tank Battalion, Utah Beach 1944.
M4 Sherman - 'CANNON BALL' / '2' - 70th Tank Battalion, Utah Beach 1944.
M4 Sherman - 'COLUMBIA LOU' / '15' - 70th Tank Battalion, Normandie 1944.
M4 Dozer Sherman - 'DOUBLE TROUBLE' / 'DT-7' - 70th Tank Battalion, Utah Beach 1944.
M4 Dozer Sherman - 'APACHE' / '6.' - 746th Tank Battalion, Normandie 1944.
M4 Sherman - 'CHANNEL BLUES' / '4.' - 746th Tank Battalion, Normandie 1944.
M4 - 'GALLANT' / 'G34' - 67th Armored Regiment, Utah Beach 1944.
M4 - 'HURRICANE' / 'H2' - 66th Armored Regiment, Utah Beach 1944.
M4A1 - 'AIDE de CAMP' - 741st TB, 1944. + markings for M8 ammo trailer.
M4A1 - '13' - 743rd Tank Battalion, 1944.
M4 -'TONTO' - 37th Tank Battalion, Normandie 1944
BD-72016 - German Tanks in Italy 1943-44.
A. PzKpfw IV Ausf G, 15 Pz.Gren. Div.
B. PzKpfw IV Ausf G '306', 16 Pz. Div.
C. PzKpfw IV Ausf G ' 331', Pz.Reg. HG.
D. PzKpfw IV Ausf H ' 711', Pz.Reg. HG.
E. PzKpfw IV Ausf H ' 626', LAH.
F. PzKpfw IV Ausf H ' 1241', 24 Pz. Div.
G. PzKpfw IV Ausf H '800', 16 Pz. Div.
H. StuG III Ausf G '1024', 16 Pz. Div
J. StuG III Ausf G, 16 SS-Pz.Gren Div.
K. Bef.PzKpfw III Ausf J '053', LAH.
L. PzKpfw III Ausf J ' 632', Pz.Reg. HG.
M. PzKpfw III Ausf M ' 533', Pz.Reg. HG.
N. Marder II ' Randi!', Fallschirm-Pz.Div. HG.
O. Marder III 'Lowe', 71. Infanterie Division.
P. Semovente da 75/18 '211', 71. Inf. Div.
R. PzKpfw VI Tiger Early '2', s.Pz.Kp Meyer.
S. PzKpfw VI Tiger Early '222', 501 s.Pz.Abt.
ALL these sets are of Limited Run and can be purchased directly from Bison Decals Website (LINK)
Please mention Armorama/Kitmaker Network when contacting manufacturers!
BD-35042 - INDOCHINE #2 1945-55
M8 75mm HMC -'FOUGEUX' - R.I.C.M, October 1953.
M5A1 Stuart - 3e R.C.A. or R.I.C.M, Haiphong 1946.
M5A1 - '1' - 1er R.E.C, January 1946.
Universal Carrier - 'COLMAR' - 43e R.I.C.
M24 Bison - 'DUNKERQUE' - R.I.C.M, October 1953.
M8 Greyhound - 'SONG DAY' - 3e R.B.V, 1954.
Panhard 178 B - 'FONTENOY' - 3e R.S.M, 1952.
Panhard 178 B - 'NAM-DINH' - Unknown unit.
LVT-4 Alligator - 'COLMAR' - 1er R.E.C, 2e G.A. 1954.
LVT(A)-4 Alligator - 'JARNAO' - 1er R.E.C, 2e G.A. 1954.
LVT-4 Alligator w. 40mm Bofors - 'JACINE' - 1er R.E.C, 2e G.A. 1954.
M29C Crabe - 'IC-91563' - 1er R.E.C, 2e G.A. 1950.
M29C Crabe - 'IC-93702' - 1er R.E.C, 2e G.A. 1953.
M29C Crabe - 'IC-94620' - 1er R.E.C, 1er G.A. 1953
(R.S.M. = Regiment de Spahis Marocains.
R.B.V. = Regiment Blinde Vietnamien.
R.I.C = Regiment d'Infanterie Colonial.
R.I.C.M. = Regiment d'Infanterie Colonial du Maroc.
R.E.C. = Regiment Etranger de Cavalerie (Foreign Legion).
G.A. = Groupements Amphibies).
Sherman II 'Santick', HQ 2nd Armoured Brigade, October 1942.
Sherman II, HQ 2nd Armoured Brigade, October 1942.
Sherman II, 3rd RTR, 8th Armoured Brigade, October 1942.
Sherman II, 3rd King's Own Hussars, 9th Armoured Brigade, Nov. 1942.
Sherman II, 3rd King's Own Hussars, 9th Armoured Brigade, Nov. 1942.
Sherman II, 3rd King's Own Hussars, 9th Armoured Brigade, Sep. 1942.
Sherman II 'Iowa', Warwickshire Yeomanry, 9th Armoured Brigade, Dec. 1942.
Sherman II, 10th Royal Hussars, 2nd Armoured Brigade, Nov. 1942.
Sherman II, 9th Queens Royal Lancers, 2nd Armoured Brigade, Oct. 1942.
Sherman II, 9th Queens Royal Lancers, 2nd Armoured Brigade, Oct. 1942.
Sherman II, The Queen's Bays, 2nd Armoured Brigade, Nov. 1942.
Sherman III 'Bacchus', 41st RTR, 24th Armoured Brigade, October 1942.
Sherman III 'Dover', HQ 24th Armoured Brigade, October 1942.
Sherman III 'Cocky', 41st RTR, 24th Armoured Brigade, October 1942.
Sherman III 'Cocky', Royal Scots Greys, 4th Light Armoured Brigade, December 1942.
Sherman III 'Benghazi', 41st RTR, 24th Armoured Brigade, October 1942.
Sherman III, The Queen's Bays, 2nd Armoured Brigade, April 1943.
Sherman III 'Furious II', The Queen's Bays, 2nd Armoured Brigade, early 1943
BD-35088 - AFGHAN TANKS, part 1
. Markings for various T-54B, T-55, T-55AM and MAZ-357 as used
by the many warlords and armies in Afghanistan in the last 10 years of fighting. Markings for 13 complete models. This is a reprint. Minor changes have been made to the markings on this set, and some extra turret numbers (for T-55s) have been added. Otherwise it's the same vehicles you can build.
Sherman Mk III - 3rd County of London Yeomanry (CLY)
Sherman Mk III - The Royal Scots Greys (2nd Dragoons). in 1st October 1943.
Sherman Mk III - 46th RTR. Anzio 1944.
Sherman Mk III - 46th RTR. Anzio 1944.
Sherman Mk IIB - The Queen's Bays, 2nd Armoured Bde.San Martino in November 1944.
BD-35091 - TIGERS OF s.SS-Pz.Abt. 101
Befehls-Tiger I - '009' Stabs kompanie.
Tiger I 'late production' - '112' 1. komp. Villers-Boucage.
Tiger I 'mid production' - '131' 1. komp.
Tiger I 'late production' - '205' 2. komp. road to Normandie.
Tiger I 'late production' - '221' 2. komp. road to Normandie.
Tiger I 'late production' - '222' 2. komp. June 14, outside Villers-Boucage.
Tiger I 'late production' - '231' 2. komp. June 14, outside Villers-Boucage.
Tiger I 'mid production' - '331' 3. komp.
Tiger I 'mid production' - '334' 3. komp.
Dingo Mk II - 50th RTR, 23rd Armoured Brigade. Sfax in Tunisia, March 1943.
Dingo Mk II - NZAC Training Depot, near the Red Sea in 1945.
Dingo Mk - - 11th Hussars, 7th Armoured Division, Holland in winter 1944-45.
Dingo Mk Ia - 3rd RTR, 1st Armoured Div, BEF. Holland 1940.
Dingo Mk II - HQ 2nd NZ Division, El Alamein front in November 1942.
Dingo Mk II - 8th Kings Royal Irish Hussars, 7th Armoured Division, Germany 1945.
Dingo Mk II - 10th Mounted Rifles, 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade (Polish), England in 1942-43.
Dingo Mk II - 5th RTR, 4th Armoured Brigade, 7th Armoured Division. Libya in 1942.
Dingo Mk II - 1st Corps.
Dingo Mk II - 4th Field Squadron, RE, 7th Armoured Division. Libya in 1942.
1/72 Sets:
M4A1 DD Sherman - 'ANNE' / '16' - 70th Tank Battalion, Utah Beach 1944.
M4 Sherman - 'CANNON BALL' / '2' - 70th Tank Battalion, Utah Beach 1944.
M4 Sherman - 'COLUMBIA LOU' / '15' - 70th Tank Battalion, Normandie 1944.
M4 Dozer Sherman - 'DOUBLE TROUBLE' / 'DT-7' - 70th Tank Battalion, Utah Beach 1944.
M4 Dozer Sherman - 'APACHE' / '6.' - 746th Tank Battalion, Normandie 1944.
M4 Sherman - 'CHANNEL BLUES' / '4.' - 746th Tank Battalion, Normandie 1944.
M4 - 'GALLANT' / 'G34' - 67th Armored Regiment, Utah Beach 1944.
M4 - 'HURRICANE' / 'H2' - 66th Armored Regiment, Utah Beach 1944.
M4A1 - 'AIDE de CAMP' - 741st TB, 1944. + markings for M8 ammo trailer.
M4A1 - '13' - 743rd Tank Battalion, 1944.
M4 -'TONTO' - 37th Tank Battalion, Normandie 1944
BD-72016 - German Tanks in Italy 1943-44.
A. PzKpfw IV Ausf G, 15 Pz.Gren. Div.
B. PzKpfw IV Ausf G '306', 16 Pz. Div.
C. PzKpfw IV Ausf G ' 331', Pz.Reg. HG.
D. PzKpfw IV Ausf H ' 711', Pz.Reg. HG.
E. PzKpfw IV Ausf H ' 626', LAH.
F. PzKpfw IV Ausf H ' 1241', 24 Pz. Div.
G. PzKpfw IV Ausf H '800', 16 Pz. Div.
H. StuG III Ausf G '1024', 16 Pz. Div
J. StuG III Ausf G, 16 SS-Pz.Gren Div.
K. Bef.PzKpfw III Ausf J '053', LAH.
L. PzKpfw III Ausf J ' 632', Pz.Reg. HG.
M. PzKpfw III Ausf M ' 533', Pz.Reg. HG.
N. Marder II ' Randi!', Fallschirm-Pz.Div. HG.
O. Marder III 'Lowe', 71. Infanterie Division.
P. Semovente da 75/18 '211', 71. Inf. Div.
R. PzKpfw VI Tiger Early '2', s.Pz.Kp Meyer.
S. PzKpfw VI Tiger Early '222', 501 s.Pz.Abt.
ALL these sets are of Limited Run and can be purchased directly from Bison Decals Website (LINK)
Please mention Armorama/Kitmaker Network when contacting manufacturers!
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