Bill, Glenn, thank you for your comments, i prefered making the windows individualy this time instead of making one original and resin copies.
Glenn, yeah, the terracotta tiles !?
The guy on the other thread (with the italian sub)made them with straws, cut in half, but i always wondered how it would be possible to cut that straight and evenly.
Here is the method used by Roy Porter in his Model Building Masterclasss book
Here is a very good building posted on ML a while ago with a superb roof made of Styrene.
styrene_roofI contacted the builder to get more infos on his method for the tiles, but he never replied.
Perhaps that's the way to go, bending heated styrene?
I will probably not need it in Clervaux, so it is not my first priority to find out the best way to do it.
Hope it helps