Unfortunately, I have had to abandon my lamp project after a battery blew up on me. It's a bit dangerous and friends have told me about the dangers of globes as opposed to LEDs (i.e their potential to catch fire and/or melt plastic

BUT, all is not lost! I have had a very kind offer from Ed Spaide, who has made me an LED package! Once I receive it, I will have another go at making the post. Thanks Ed, you're awesome.
Jim Hand, thanks for your advice, that may come in handy for things around the house in future.
Progress:Here are the parts for one tyre. Pretty simple construction, no major conversions as they are basically the same as the Wolseley's.

The red dots show the corrections I need to make to the cooling holes. I will fill the incorrect holes with putty and drill new ones in the right places. I might also need to makes the holes bigger. Pretty botched work by me, I know.

I will need to get rid of the Dunlop text, as from my references, the Wolseley tyres did not have it. I will also need to make some raised for the hub caps.
