Thanks John for getting me back on track and beating me to the History announcements.
Excellent site by the way.
For the month of November;
November 1, 1943 - U.S. Marines invade Bougainville in the Solomon Islands.
November 2, 1943 - Battle of Empress Augustusta Bay. November 11, 1944 - Iwo Jima bombarded by the U.S. Navy. November 14/15 1942- U.S. And Japanese warships clash again off Guadalcanal resulting in the sinking of the U.S. Cruiser JUNEAU and the deaths of the five Sullivan brothers.
November 20, 1943 - U.S. Troops invade Makin and Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands.
November 23, 1943 - Japanese end resistance on Makin and Tarawa.
November 24, 1944 - Twenty four B-29s bomb the Nakajima aircraft factory near Tokyo
I was wondering how I was going to do this since the Campaign hadn't started but just doing it is as good as any.
For every other month of the Campaign I will post on the first day of the Month.
For December of course we have to start on the 7th.
Also if I miss something of if someone has an Historical note they want please do so just as John.
Thanks again,
Now that I have an extra minute;
Try this site
Tarawa on the Web towards the bottom is a forum called Tarawa Talk forum, there are some excellent discussions there and some veterans from Tarawa also post, Ed Bale the commander of the Tank group just to drop a name.
Also for some items on Bougainville a good place to check out is
US Marine Raiders