When I first saw your message I told myself ''hmm that build log is gonna be cool, interesting subject....I'll look at it for sure''

But wooooh, when I saw the first pictures i was shocked!
It looks like we're building almost the same dio!

I took a picture today to prove my point!
here it goes
and another one
For my project i decided to show the street side instead of the building side, but we both cut in that subway staircase! I'm pretty amazed by this!
Well, I didnt consider starting a build log for my diorama cause I work waaaay too slowly and that would not be captivating enough.....but now I just can't, my project would look like a total rip off of yours

And yep, we've been inspired by the same picture of the russian scouts going down the stairs.
Keep up your nice work! I'll be looking forward at it.