Thanks guys - I am more or less done with the structures, only lacking a bit of rubbel on the new piece of flooring - will do that over christmas and integrate the car in the diorama.
I plan on placing the car on a bit of debris, as if it has been pushed/cleared away together with some other rubble - it will allso allow me to angle it a bit to make it more interesting.
Aside from that only the figures to do - and as I dont really feels up to painting figures right now, I will propably wait till later.
Hosted by Darren Baker
Am Ende steht der Sieg - Berlin 1945


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Posted: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 - 08:20 PM UTC


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Posted: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 - 10:24 PM UTC
I don't think I commented on this one yet. What a great scene, Jan!
I love this kind of diorama that has different levels. I fully understand your hesitation about painting figures. I do it all the time. My diorama is slowly coming along and the figures should be painted but I'm dragging it to the last moment.
I love this kind of diorama that has different levels. I fully understand your hesitation about painting figures. I do it all the time. My diorama is slowly coming along and the figures should be painted but I'm dragging it to the last moment.



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Posted: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 - 11:32 PM UTC
Really are doing a great job
I really like.
the whole ambience is perfect, with a depth that I like
I follow your progress
I really like.
the whole ambience is perfect, with a depth that I like
I follow your progress


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Posted: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - 03:28 AM UTC
Quick question Jan, the wood flooring was done with thin sheets of Balsa wood I guess?
How about the thick beams?
How about the thick beams?


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Posted: Monday, December 28, 2009 - 06:36 AM UTC
awesome dio you have done. Congrats!
The casualtie figure, not have a very natural look, it seems very stretched
with minor conversion you are capable to correct their pose.
I wil follow your work
awesome dio you have done. Congrats!
The casualtie figure, not have a very natural look, it seems very stretched

I wil follow your work


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Posted: Monday, December 28, 2009 - 08:16 AM UTC
Sorry for the late reply - christmas and all that stuff
Jon, the beams are allso balsa. I was lucky to find an assortment of balsa strips in all sizes for a very modest price - I should have take the whole low - now the store is closed
I will wrap up the construction and shoot a set of picture sone of these days ....

Jon, the beams are allso balsa. I was lucky to find an assortment of balsa strips in all sizes for a very modest price - I should have take the whole low - now the store is closed

I will wrap up the construction and shoot a set of picture sone of these days ....


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Posted: Saturday, January 23, 2010 - 11:06 AM UTC
Sorry for the long absence - I have been working on other projects, but have the last week spent some time on the figures that goes on the streen - still working on the germans going downstairs.
I think the layout is pretty much as I want it....
I think the layout is pretty much as I want it....


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Posted: Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 03:59 AM UTC
Wow, simply spectacular work! I wish that I had the same talent with figures!


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Posted: Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 05:47 AM UTC
Hi Jan,
Wow, top figure painting here! You can see the despair in the eyes of the germans and Tamiya's russians look very good with your care. The understated and subdued colors you're choosing are constant on the building, figures and all over and it works very well, everything is tied together and gives good scale impression.
Also I find the angle you took in the first picture is winner, it gives a dynamic impression, with the building wall going upward and the U-bahn stairs going down...very pleasant to the eye
Good luck in the finishing stage!
Wow, top figure painting here! You can see the despair in the eyes of the germans and Tamiya's russians look very good with your care. The understated and subdued colors you're choosing are constant on the building, figures and all over and it works very well, everything is tied together and gives good scale impression.
Also I find the angle you took in the first picture is winner, it gives a dynamic impression, with the building wall going upward and the U-bahn stairs going down...very pleasant to the eye

Good luck in the finishing stage!


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Posted: Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 07:00 AM UTC
The lying guy needs a bible under his left hand or some blood under his right hand
Jan, this project is a stunner!

Jan, this project is a stunner!


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Posted: Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 06:37 PM UTC
Awesome dio!
Mind if use some of your techniques?

Mind if use some of your techniques?


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Posted: Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 09:17 PM UTC
Great dio and scene!
The faces of the german soldiers shows pain and the lost hope.
I like the details and the paintwork!
The faces of the german soldiers shows pain and the lost hope.
I like the details and the paintwork!


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Posted: Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 11:09 PM UTC
Hi Jan,
Congratulations to your dio! This is defintely one of the top works on the forum presented the last months!
Well done
Congratulations to your dio! This is defintely one of the top works on the forum presented the last months!
Well done


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Posted: Monday, January 25, 2010 - 01:21 AM UTC
Nice update, good progress. The story is well told.
Couple of small nit-picks, the bolt holding the "U" sign should be metalic in color. On the German figure standing in front there is a seam on his cuff by his wrist. That needs to be scaped down. Lastly, I would like to see some more bullet holes lower on the building.
Couple of small nit-picks, the bolt holding the "U" sign should be metalic in color. On the German figure standing in front there is a seam on his cuff by his wrist. That needs to be scaped down. Lastly, I would like to see some more bullet holes lower on the building.


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Posted: Monday, January 25, 2010 - 03:29 AM UTC
Thanks guys - I still fell theres long way ...
m3orm5 - feel free!
Scott, regarding the nails - you must be referring to a older post, as the sign and nails have long since received a rust-wash - about the seam - well spotted, the curse of digital photography - I swear, you cant see it in real
I didn“t want the car to sit on just on the pavement, so I have accumulated some junk for it to sit on, still needs painting and such...
m3orm5 - feel free!
Scott, regarding the nails - you must be referring to a older post, as the sign and nails have long since received a rust-wash - about the seam - well spotted, the curse of digital photography - I swear, you cant see it in real

I didn“t want the car to sit on just on the pavement, so I have accumulated some junk for it to sit on, still needs painting and such...


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Posted: Monday, January 25, 2010 - 05:55 AM UTC
Brilliant work Jan, its great to see some more work on this diorama. I agree with others that the facial expressions on those germans are very haunting.
The ground work is also very impressive, how did you do the broken window in the car with the bullet hole? Yourself or was it ready done laser cut plastic?
The ground work is also very impressive, how did you do the broken window in the car with the bullet hole? Yourself or was it ready done laser cut plastic?


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Posted: Monday, January 25, 2010 - 09:23 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Brilliant work Jan, its great to see some more work on this diorama. I agree with others that the facial expressions on those germans are very haunting.
I“m not really comfortable with figures, and not good eiter, but as they are needed for the story and a diorama is somewhat bare without figurs, I just have to do my best - sometimes with more luck then skills. In this case its the right light, the right angle and my weak attemt at painting faces that combines to a very lucky shot. Its very unlikely that I will be able to replicate it again ...
Quoted Text
The ground work is also very impressive, how did you do the broken window in the car with the bullet hole? Yourself or was it ready done laser cut plastic?
Its just the kit part with a drilled hole and some cracks scribed with a sharp knife. The Bronco approach on the windows are actually quite ingeniours...


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Posted: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 - 06:54 AM UTC
Great diorama
I hope you entered it in the Bitter Taste of Defeat Campaign. Because that shows ultimate defeat by the Russians. Ii was great to follow it from start to finish. Keep up the great work.



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Posted: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 - 07:49 AM UTC
Thanks Thomas,
I ain“t done yet, it will probably take a few more weeks before I can call it done. Right now I am working on 3 figures to populate the U-bahn area and some different gear for the basement.
I think I started this build before the campaign begun, so this kinda dis-qualify me in that regard - other wise a good suggestion.
I ain“t done yet, it will probably take a few more weeks before I can call it done. Right now I am working on 3 figures to populate the U-bahn area and some different gear for the basement.
I think I started this build before the campaign begun, so this kinda dis-qualify me in that regard - other wise a good suggestion.


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Posted: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 - 02:23 PM UTC
They extended the Bitter Taste of Defeat Campaign untill 31 March. So you still have ample time. Your first post was in October so you do qualify for it. If you are interested in it. The campaign started 1 August .


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Posted: Thursday, January 28, 2010 - 03:50 AM UTC
Hello Jan, This is amazing work!!!! Really like your underground section , something different to the whole building scene. The figs tell a great story, top notch painting and posing. Got to go back and learn some more!!!!


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Posted: Friday, January 29, 2010 - 09:32 AM UTC
I agree with everybody else, your diorama definitely belongs with the Bitter Taste of Defeat campaign. If you can't make it it time, then you should submit it as a feature.
BTW: The faces on all of the figures look incredibly realistic!
BTW: The faces on all of the figures look incredibly realistic!


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Posted: Friday, January 29, 2010 - 09:00 PM UTC
Ah well, you know Jan, this kind of German stuff usually gets me walking by with a stiff überlip, but then it's you eh..
And then I really like the composition and the overall aspect!
As usual I congratulate you for yet an amazing diorama and can't wait to see your next (Üboot or Ubahn?)
And then I really like the composition and the overall aspect!
As usual I congratulate you for yet an amazing diorama and can't wait to see your next (Üboot or Ubahn?)


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Posted: Saturday, January 30, 2010 - 02:58 AM UTC
Wow, this looks REALLY good!! The only thing I have to suggest is perhaps the addition of chin straps and rifle slings.


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Posted: Saturday, January 30, 2010 - 08:03 AM UTC
A spectacular work, I like the construction and the "history" it represents.
thanks for giving us the step by step, there are many ideas and techniques that we use
thanks for giving us the step by step, there are many ideas and techniques that we use
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