Am Ende steht der Sieg - Berlin 1945
Aarhus, Denmark
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Posted: Monday, November 23, 2009 - 05:15 AM UTC
I have been busy otherwise, but hav found time to build the fence around the stairs. Its done with Evergreen strips and a bit of patience
I use a piece of glass over my cutting mat, as the glass dont stick to the glue - and I still have the lines on the mat to guide the build.
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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Monday, November 23, 2009 - 05:32 AM UTC
the bullet holes are done really well.
I like the progress and story line thats developing.
Any plans for big signs for the Metro?
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, November 23, 2009 - 09:37 AM UTC
Great work. It's good to see that you've found a place for the russian tamiya figure with the cape, the one who is face down in the last pic
I've been losing a lot of sleep trying to find a place for him in my dio, the idea of not using all 12 figures in one go is too much for me.
Current builds;
Tamiya 1/35 Sdkfz 251/1 Diorama (name pending)
Dragon 1/35 T 34/85 Bedspring Diorama "Blood and Iron"
England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, November 23, 2009 - 11:07 AM UTC
Hi Jan Impressive update. Good luck with the rest of the dio.
Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Monday, November 23, 2009 - 11:43 AM UTC
Wow Jan, you are going places with this diorama!
The sidewalk is very nice and your safety fence is just fantastic! It looks so sharp, at first I was like ''WTH, where did I buy this resin set

'' But it's evergreen styrene...

Well done!
I particularly like the idea of the glass piece to avoid your plastic setup from being fusionned with the mat

I'll use this very good idea for sure
I agree with Scott that you should add a sign over your fence.
Working on:
''Landing interval'' - Soviet infantry in Berlin, April 1945
Thinking on:
''Hände nach oben!'' - Canadian infantry in Caen, July 1944
Aarhus, Denmark
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Posted: Monday, November 23, 2009 - 07:56 PM UTC
Thanks guys - the glass piece is a great way to do it, as the glue dissolves the mat.
The fallen russian are supposed to be standing ... but I have some dragon figgies that might find there way into the the diorama.
There will be a sign, first the informationposter about airraidbunker - you can actually see a bit of it just above the stairs - it will be hung on the fence over the entrance - second there will be a "U" sign somewhere.
I have been rescearching for U-Bahn signs and so far it looks like that they were marked with a simple "U" placed on a nearby building or on a post. I have allso found some oldfasion signs - but it think they are "newmadetolookoldanstylish" and are propably in a pre-WWII style and not the strict classical style.
I think I will hang a "U" on the building - as i have planned other things for the street and pavement.
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Aarhus, Denmark
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Posted: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - 04:17 AM UTC
Since I was working with the airbrush anyway I gave the fence some rust and gray paint and added the sign with a bit of bluetack.
I have begun construction of the house, Its a core of polystyrene with a layer of 1 mm cork and the structures ar done with cardboard and finished with a bit of deluted filler. Still have to do the interiour.
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Carlow, Ireland
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Posted: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - 04:58 AM UTC
What great progress I like the way you have two different levels visable from different angles ver impressive indeed
Best wishes,
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Posted: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - 06:16 AM UTC
Well, well,
that is really starting to get "very" good!
Well done for the house!
England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - 06:22 AM UTC
Great work on the base Jan!
Fyn, Denmark
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Posted: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - 07:41 AM UTC
Incredible Jan. I just saw "A woman in Berlin" and you capture the atmosphere very well. I also like all the levels you have brought together. Keep up the good work and bring it to an upcomming show in 2010.
- Johan.
Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 - 07:26 AM UTC
Hi Jan
I love what you are doing! Look, I found this today. It looks like it's the same station as the other photo with the storming russian soldier.'s interesting. the U-bahn sign seems to be painted on a glass plate. Might help you
Working on:
''Landing interval'' - Soviet infantry in Berlin, April 1945
Thinking on:
''Hände nach oben!'' - Canadian infantry in Caen, July 1944
Aarhus, Denmark
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Posted: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 - 07:57 AM UTC
Now thats a great find, I dont think its the same entrance if you look at the "luftschuts" sign, but it sure is the same style.
Its a nice sign, too bad that my layout is so that I can only incooperate the one post of the sign, but its worth considering.
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Sachsen, Germany
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Posted: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 - 09:04 AM UTC
Wow, that looks very good!
How did you made the holes in the car? A scissor or a drill?
Your "bit of patience" (the fence) is very strong!
I also try to build some scratchbuilt parts for a conversion of a model.
IMO, to see the "build up pictures" and read the comments is better than seeing the finished dio!
Also the pictures taken from the finished dio could be nice, but they can not show the hard work which was done! Great work so far!
I also can see this on my build logs with the soviet venus landers and my other "snowy" project.
All work, changes or tips can be seen on them.
- Venera-14-lander on Venus
- Dragon s.10cm K18 at the Atlantic-wall
- Venera-10 lander on Venus
Aarhus, Denmark
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Posted: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 - 07:40 PM UTC
Thanks Soeren,
Not really that spectakular - but I have done the base of the building - glued the upper part on and given some of it a black basepaint.
Still have to do the inner part of the house and the piles of rubble before i can turn to the finer detailing.
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, November 28, 2009 - 01:30 AM UTC
Jan, nice work on the building!
Aarhus, Denmark
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Posted: Monday, November 30, 2009 - 03:44 AM UTC
Thanks Martyn,
I have begun building up the piles of rubble, first the collapsed part of the building seen from the basement - I have let a piece of the basement survive the bombing and fire - for the purpose of my story
Over a core of styrofoam I have added plaster, white glue, shifted sand, cat litter and some bricks cut from cork. They are sealed with a thin coat of white glue diluted with tap water and will have to dry for a few days before it can be primed.
The edge of the pile needs a bit of ajustment against the frame to look good, will do that with some glue and a bit of sand.
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Aarhus, Denmark
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Posted: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 - 07:55 AM UTC
It´s happy days for modellers...
England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 - 08:26 AM UTC
Hi love this dio cant wait for each update from you. Like the linen in with the rubble nice detail
Aarhus, Denmark
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Posted: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 - 04:19 AM UTC
Thanks Andy . the linen would propably have burned up - but sometimes you just have to bend reality a little bit to make the story interesting
Gave the piles of rubble a black base, then the whole streetscene got some passes with the airbrush - still a lot to do with paint and washes, but with the major items added it gives a overall impression og the layout and interaction.
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 - 04:23 AM UTC
Hi Jan, nice work with the rubble. Great dio.
Sachsen, Germany
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Posted: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 - 06:13 AM UTC
Ohh, great dio and overall work and compostion so far!
- Venera-14-lander on Venus
- Dragon s.10cm K18 at the Atlantic-wall
- Venera-10 lander on Venus
Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 - 06:53 AM UTC
Good work, this is becoming very good! I love your composition a lot, the building, the rubble pile on the street and the car, everything is in its right place. One thing that could do a big difference on the story telling, in my opinion, is your figures choice.
As for the germans, the kneeling guy and the one in the doorway are sweet. I'm definitely less sure about the guy ''resting'' on the wall. It's not clear how he got there.
On the russian side the 2 guys behind the car are a vignette by themselves, excellent. But again I'm not convinced by the 2 soldiers kneeling near the bsmt entrance as they have awkward pose for this position.
I mean it in a constructive comment way, no offense intended

Your work is excellent
Working on:
''Landing interval'' - Soviet infantry in Berlin, April 1945
Thinking on:
''Hände nach oben!'' - Canadian infantry in Caen, July 1944
Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 - 07:19 AM UTC
Hi Jan
Excellent as always

and the layout and composition is soooo nice.
Looking forward to next update, so keep up the good work.
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Aarhus, Denmark
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Posted: Monday, December 07, 2009 - 04:32 AM UTC
Thanks mates, sorry for not responding, but it have been oretty busy over the weekend.
Did manage to get a bit further - heres one of the figures from the dragon set - I changed one of the goofy looking carracters to a casulty:
Heres the interior of the house, the pile of rubble is still unpainted and shows the different elements in the composition:
And heres the front, washed and drybrused and with a liberal amount of bulletholes - still some effects to be done:
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