I'm a discreet follower of the Armorama forum and I really admire all of you who share your work over here...lots of skills and talent I got to say
Personally I never show my stuff over here cause I'm the type of modeller that starts a lot of things and doesn't finish all of them

So to change things a little I decided to actually show my work and finish something by commiting myself on a build log

The spark was the promising diorama by Jan Klarbæk called Am Ende steht der Sieg - Berlin 1945
The thing IS it absolutely looks like a diorama I've started over last summer and haven't touched since

So, as you can see my layout is determined, only thing not 100% sure about is the position of the burnt Opel Blitz.
On that blog I'l try to show you the different techniques used to build and finish the whole project including the truck. Given enough time you'll see all of my hit and misses

Here are some pictures of my current state of progress

Yep, I have doubts too about that uniform color, it looks waaay too green. From what I could see russian uniforms varied greatly from light beige to a greener shade....but this is just green

'm pretty thrilled by it, the diorama and the blog!! And also to see, once everything is finished, how Jan work and mine differ, similarities and differences on a diorama with a somewhat ''similar'' angle of attack

I hope you'll enjoy it as much as me


P.S. Expect some english mistakes along the thread, my first language is french. Peace