For discussions on tanks, artillery, jeeps, etc.
For discussions on tanks, artillery, jeeps, etc.
Hosted by Darren Baker, Mario Matijasic
German for Modelers

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Posted: Friday, January 01, 2010 - 05:33 AM UTC
Thanks, Steve, I have added all but Sonderkraftfahrzeug which is already there as an abbreviation.


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Posted: Friday, January 01, 2010 - 05:55 AM UTC
Excellent feature Bill.....thank you and thanks to the others that have contributed to this. The sound file definitely helps a lot, seems the only word I pronounced correctly was Porsche, but not anymore


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Posted: Friday, January 01, 2010 - 10:30 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Big bunch of inflammatory diatribe deleted....
- Steve
And your time spent here seems to be more and more focused on finding topics where you can just pile your insults on me.
Just let me hear a dozen soundfiles where Volkswagen is pronounced FfffffolksVVVVVVagen... please
Widerstand as Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvviderstand
Please, YOU back up your claims then... please.
If anyone is acting like he is on a high horse, it definitly is you, as you try to come of all nice while all you do is just singularily pick on me.


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Posted: Friday, January 01, 2010 - 11:44 AM UTC
Quoted Text
And your time spent here seems to be more and more focused on finding topics where you can just pile your insults on me.
Well Herbert, out of (at the time of writing) 935 posts (mine) and 2060 (yours), I think I've singled you out three, maybe four times. (But hey - who's counting!)
So I think your persecution complex is a little exaggerated, don't you? But I do know bulls**t when I read it, and I'll continue to call it.
Quoted Text
Just let me hear a dozen soundfiles where Volkswagen is pronounced FfffffolksVVVVVVagen... please. Please, YOU back up your claims then... please.
Dear me, Herbert, you sound like you're blowing out candles on a birthday cake. No need for all those "f"s. Just the one will do.
But are you saying I'm lying? Apart from anything else, what would be the point? Hell, I don't have to prove anything to you - or to anyone! I'd happily post sound files, but unfortunately I don't have (a) any sound files to post or (b) the necessary programmes to post them.
So I'll just rely on my fluency in German and the fact that I speak it and (here's the good bit!) hear it spoken by Germans every day of the week in the course of my work to assert that I know I'm correct on this point.
You can take it or leave it, and continue insisting that black is white for all I care. I really don't mind.
But I repeat: in German, the "w" is commonly rendered like an Englisch "v" and the letter "v" as an English "f". That my friend is FACT.
And if you contend otherwise well ….. you're just talking out of your Auspuff, I'm afraid.
Quoted Text
If anyone is acting like he is on a high horse, it definitly is you, as you try to come of all nice while all you do is just singularily pick on me.
Cue the violins.
Fact is Herbert, if you'd have been a bit more humble, a bit more gracious and a bit less "all knowing" in your original reply to Bill's feature, I'd have probably let it slide. You know, something along the lines of "Thanks for that Bill, some useful stuff there. But I'm not too sure about X and Y: I think it's probably more like ..." Get the idea?
Not "Well, Abteilung is certainly NOT pronounced Ob-tie-loong- and Zimmerit doesn't start with a hard Z". That's just pompous-assery. And at the end of your long list of "corrections", you didn't even have the courtesy to thank Bill for his efforts.
And it's the same with the way in which you constantly chuck around your "expert knowledge" of Tigers, Panthers etc. If that's your pet subject then fine. And yes, you do appear to know quite a bit about those vehicles.
But Herbert - it's not just about disseminating your knowledge. The really clever part is disseminating it with a bit of humility, and without pissing other people off. And that's where you fall down big time (and a few of the replies here and some of the PMs I've received on this subject would seem to confirm that's not just *my* opinion).
You see, other guys here back up their "expert knowledge" with some really cracking builds. They "walk the walk" as well as "talk the talk". And I have immense respect for them. I have even more respect for the absolute novices who lack both the skills and the knowledge, but who share their work anyway in the hope of receiving some tips on how to get better.
But not you. You seem to spend all your time researching and "being an expert", passing on your knowledge not infrequently in a rather high-handed manner, but with nothing of any substance to back it up. In other words - it's all hot air (or terminal A.M.S. perhaps?)
So how about it Herbert? Why not prove me wrong and shut me up? How about you show us some of the fruits of all that "expert knowledge"? This is a modelling forum after all - a place where modellers share their models with other modellers. Just a couple of nice Tigers would do the job. Then maybe you'd enjoy a tad more credibility and respect than you have right now.
I've said I'll not hesitate to call bulls**t when I see it. But by the same token, I'll not hesitate to give credit where it's due either, and I'll gladly doff my hat to your modelling prowess on this very forum if you rise to the challenge and stun us with your work.
So either pee - or get off the pot.
And as a final note @ Bill - well done on the feature, and thanks a lot for your efforts. They seem to be much appreciated by (almost) everyone who's commented so far.
Addendum @ Herbert: Listen to the sound file that our German friend Marco has most helpfully posted below (thanks Marco). Plenty of "w"s pronounced as "v"s there. Still want to argue about it?

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Posted: Friday, January 01, 2010 - 12:10 PM UTC

"Too bad there isn't some way to fade from term to term so that listeners could see the original words."
In the meanhwhile I have made it to edit the file in the way you have mentioned and with the new added words.
I have also load it up on YouTube but somehow it does not work...

Until it works I have uploaded this link
[Upload your own video]
Feel free if you like to use it for your feature or if you like to have it revised.
I hope that does not matter that I published this file without your authorization - I can delete it at any time,

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Posted: Friday, January 01, 2010 - 01:03 PM UTC
Allow me a few words about Bill's feature.
To provide a correct pronounciation of German words is a hard undertaking.
I myself do not know how I should explain in written words how to spell a German "ch" or vocals like "ö" and "ü".
Actually it is not possible.
As mentioned before Bill's feature only provides an idea how German words are being spelled in general.
Therefore I don't see my AV-file as an improvement of his feature itself because it cannot be improved, it is only designed as an supplement which support his words.
BTW: There are two different German (languages): That one commonly being spoken and the other one which is the so called Behördendeutsch (Authority German) only used in printed rules.
Actually no single sow in Germany would say Sonderkraftfahrzeug, Krankenkraftwagen or Kampfwagenkanone (apart from a few idiots who do not answer simple questions with "Yes" or "No" but only with "Positiv" and "Negativ"
My poor tongue...
To provide a correct pronounciation of German words is a hard undertaking.
I myself do not know how I should explain in written words how to spell a German "ch" or vocals like "ö" and "ü".
Actually it is not possible.
As mentioned before Bill's feature only provides an idea how German words are being spelled in general.
Therefore I don't see my AV-file as an improvement of his feature itself because it cannot be improved, it is only designed as an supplement which support his words.
BTW: There are two different German (languages): That one commonly being spoken and the other one which is the so called Behördendeutsch (Authority German) only used in printed rules.
Actually no single sow in Germany would say Sonderkraftfahrzeug, Krankenkraftwagen or Kampfwagenkanone (apart from a few idiots who do not answer simple questions with "Yes" or "No" but only with "Positiv" and "Negativ"

My poor tongue...


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Posted: Friday, January 01, 2010 - 01:18 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Actually no single sow in German would say Sonderkraftfahrzeug, Krankenkraftwagen or Kampfwagenkanone (apart from a few idiots who do not answer simple questions with "Yes" or "No" but only with "Positiv" and "Negativ").
My poor tongue...
Yeah, army guys would say things like "Karre" or "Kiste," more than likely with the prefix "Scheiss."
Uebrigens bin ick sehr dankbar fuer deine Hilfe. Hoffentlich klappt's!


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Posted: Friday, January 01, 2010 - 01:35 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Hello Bill,
"Too bad there isn't some way to fade from term to term so that listeners could see the original words."
In the meanhwhile I have made it to edit the file in the way you have mentioned and with the new added words.
I have also load it up on YouTube but somehow it does not work...I hope it's temporarily.
Until it works I have uploaded this link
[Upload your own video]
Feel free if you like to use it for your feature or if you like to have it revised.
I hope that does not matter that I published this file without your authorization - I can delete it at any time,
I can't think of anything to add to that, it's brilliant perfect!
Posted: Friday, January 01, 2010 - 03:24 PM UTC
My compliments to your efforts Bill -- this is a very good and helpful feature. The audio by Marco is a perfect accompaniment, as it puts life to words we get to read in reference materials.
Yes there's a correct / standard way of pronouncing words in any language, though in usage folks may voice it out diffently from another. We'd all like to be as authentic as possible, but lets not shoot a guy for trying to say something as best as he could.
I believe what's more important is that the thought is sent across -- I get to hear "ah-pel", "ah-pol", and even "eh-pol", but I know the guy talking to me is referring to an apple.
Thanks again Bill, Marco. I sure hope the list gets expanded. Cheers -- Tat
Yes there's a correct / standard way of pronouncing words in any language, though in usage folks may voice it out diffently from another. We'd all like to be as authentic as possible, but lets not shoot a guy for trying to say something as best as he could.
I believe what's more important is that the thought is sent across -- I get to hear "ah-pel", "ah-pol", and even "eh-pol", but I know the guy talking to me is referring to an apple.

Thanks again Bill, Marco. I sure hope the list gets expanded. Cheers -- Tat


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Posted: Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 04:28 AM UTC
Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. I feel very happy that some of you have found this feature helpful. The discussion has helped tweak a few minuses in the piece, and has resulted in Marco's PERFECT soundfile. Wow, what a GREAT tool!
Marco's tool takes something that is by definition impossible (rendering a foreign language in print) and literally brings the list to life. The only improvement I can think of would be if the file could be downloaded as a podcast or MP3 file that members could put on their computers or iPods (if Marco is willing, it's his creation).
But on a procedural note, I think we've "beaten this dead horse" enough, and would ask the personal remarks be taken off-stage (Panthers at 1,000 paces?). I appreciate those who have come to my defense, and I have my own opinions about how one should participate in these kinds of discussions. But I'll keep them to myself at this point, LOL!

Marco's tool takes something that is by definition impossible (rendering a foreign language in print) and literally brings the list to life. The only improvement I can think of would be if the file could be downloaded as a podcast or MP3 file that members could put on their computers or iPods (if Marco is willing, it's his creation).
But on a procedural note, I think we've "beaten this dead horse" enough, and would ask the personal remarks be taken off-stage (Panthers at 1,000 paces?). I appreciate those who have come to my defense, and I have my own opinions about how one should participate in these kinds of discussions. But I'll keep them to myself at this point, LOL!


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Posted: Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 05:14 AM UTC
Well Ive been following this and have been a bit confused thus not being a native english nor german speaker. But I would like to think that I get around in both languages.
The audio-file sure nailed it, without any doubt. Perhaps we can have a low sexy female voice for the upgraded version?
The audio-file sure nailed it, without any doubt. Perhaps we can have a low sexy female voice for the upgraded version?



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Posted: Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 05:27 AM UTC
Quoted Text
The audio-file sure nailed it, without any doubt. Perhaps we can have a low sexy female voice for the upgraded version?
Good idea! And how about including these two busty cuties from over on Aeroscale drawn by Chuck Wojtkiewicz to improve the visuals, LOL?


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Posted: Sunday, January 03, 2010 - 09:13 AM UTC
That was a very good post you linked to. Full of tips and inspiration not to mention, die verführerische Frauen....
If onlye there where more posts like that one.
I have bookmarked even if I only occasionally build aircraft.

If onlye there where more posts like that one.
I have bookmarked even if I only occasionally build aircraft.


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Posted: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 05:24 AM UTC
Great stuff.I actually took 2 semesters of german in school and own a german to english translation book, so i know some german.The trouble is most modeling terms are not in everyday german translation books.So well done and thank you.


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Posted: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 05:29 AM UTC
You're welcome, Robbin.


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Posted: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 - 04:30 AM UTC
I saw this over on ARC and thought of this thread.
German for Pilots
AIRCRAFT--Der Fliegenwagen
JET TRANSPORT--Der Muchen Overgrossen Biggenmother Das Ist Fliegen Higherenfaster Mit All Der Mach Und Flightenlevels. (Built by Boeing)
PROPELLER--Der Airfloggen Pushenthruster
ENGINE--Der Noisenmaken Pistonpusher Das Turnens Der Airfloggenfan Pushenthruster
JET ENGINE--Der Schreemen Skullschplitten Firespitten Smokenmaken Airpushenbacken Thrustermaker Mit Compressorssqueezen Und Turbinespinnen Bladenrotors. (Made by Pratt & Whitney)
CONTROL COLUMN--Der Pushenpullen Bankenyanken Schtick
RUDDER PEDDALS--Der Tailschwigen Yawmaken Werks
PILOT--Der Pushenpullen Bankenyanken Tailschwigen Werker
PASSENGER--Der Dumbkopf Das Est Strappened en Der Baaken Mit Der Other Dumbkopfs Das Est Expecten to Leave Undgo On Scheduledtimen Und Arriven Mit Der Luggagebags Somplaceneisen
STUDENT PILOT--Der Dumbkopf Das Learnen Fliegen Un Hopen to Jobenfdinden Mit Der Airlinens
FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR--Der Timenbuilder Mit Less Den 1000 Hrs Multienginefliegen. Teachen Dumbkopfs To Fliegen Vile Waitenwatchen Fer Der Letter Mit Der Joboffering Frum United
AIRLINE TRANSPORT PILOT--Das Grosse Overpaiden Und Under Werken Whinencomplainer Biggen Schmuck Dat Fliegen Mit Das Big Airlinen
PARACHUTE--Der Stringencotten Das Est Usen To Floaten Der Tailschwingen Pushenpullen Bankenyanken Werker Down To Earhten Ven Der Fliegenwagen Est Kaputen
FAA--Der Friggenfliegen Dumbkopf Schmucks Das Maken Alder Rulens Und Regulations
German for Pilots
AIRCRAFT--Der Fliegenwagen
JET TRANSPORT--Der Muchen Overgrossen Biggenmother Das Ist Fliegen Higherenfaster Mit All Der Mach Und Flightenlevels. (Built by Boeing)
PROPELLER--Der Airfloggen Pushenthruster
ENGINE--Der Noisenmaken Pistonpusher Das Turnens Der Airfloggenfan Pushenthruster
JET ENGINE--Der Schreemen Skullschplitten Firespitten Smokenmaken Airpushenbacken Thrustermaker Mit Compressorssqueezen Und Turbinespinnen Bladenrotors. (Made by Pratt & Whitney)
CONTROL COLUMN--Der Pushenpullen Bankenyanken Schtick
RUDDER PEDDALS--Der Tailschwigen Yawmaken Werks
PILOT--Der Pushenpullen Bankenyanken Tailschwigen Werker
PASSENGER--Der Dumbkopf Das Est Strappened en Der Baaken Mit Der Other Dumbkopfs Das Est Expecten to Leave Undgo On Scheduledtimen Und Arriven Mit Der Luggagebags Somplaceneisen
STUDENT PILOT--Der Dumbkopf Das Learnen Fliegen Un Hopen to Jobenfdinden Mit Der Airlinens
FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR--Der Timenbuilder Mit Less Den 1000 Hrs Multienginefliegen. Teachen Dumbkopfs To Fliegen Vile Waitenwatchen Fer Der Letter Mit Der Joboffering Frum United
AIRLINE TRANSPORT PILOT--Das Grosse Overpaiden Und Under Werken Whinencomplainer Biggen Schmuck Dat Fliegen Mit Das Big Airlinen
PARACHUTE--Der Stringencotten Das Est Usen To Floaten Der Tailschwingen Pushenpullen Bankenyanken Werker Down To Earhten Ven Der Fliegenwagen Est Kaputen
FAA--Der Friggenfliegen Dumbkopf Schmucks Das Maken Alder Rulens Und Regulations


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Posted: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 - 04:59 AM UTC
Danke, Sean, that's funny!


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Posted: Thursday, January 28, 2010 - 12:54 AM UTC
Hi Bill,
In my opinion a very good and helpful link! At the end of the day this is a modelling forum and not a language class so meanings of the words for various vehicles and parts etc is more important than the pronounciation. Though what you have put down would ensure anyone using it would get by effectively.
In reply to how certain words are pronounced. This could not be accurately reproduced in writing, you have to be with a fluent German speaker to fully appreciate and imitate it.
Ive been learning for 5 years from my Brandenburg-born frau and Im still nowhere near 100%.
Regards Paul
In my opinion a very good and helpful link! At the end of the day this is a modelling forum and not a language class so meanings of the words for various vehicles and parts etc is more important than the pronounciation. Though what you have put down would ensure anyone using it would get by effectively.
In reply to how certain words are pronounced. This could not be accurately reproduced in writing, you have to be with a fluent German speaker to fully appreciate and imitate it.
Ive been learning for 5 years from my Brandenburg-born frau and Im still nowhere near 100%.
Regards Paul


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Posted: Thursday, January 28, 2010 - 02:52 AM UTC
Thanks, Paul, for your encouragement. It's a compromise for sure, but hopefully one that will work.


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Posted: Monday, February 01, 2010 - 01:21 AM UTC
An interesting word for me has always been Späh(-panzer or -truppen). Clearly, a Spähpanzer is an armoured reconnaissance vehicle, so Spähtruppen are reconnaissance troops. But then what is an Aufklärungspanzer, or what are Aufklärungstruppen?
Furthermore, please add Balkenkreuz, as it has nothing to do with the Balkan region.
Furthermore, please add Balkenkreuz, as it has nothing to do with the Balkan region.


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Posted: Monday, February 01, 2010 - 01:39 AM UTC
Having been hit by "l'esprit de l'escalier" (the spirit of the stairway - the thought you get when you just left - and that's not German
) maybe it's a nice idea to add some modern German military vehicle terminology. Abbreviations like "tmilgl" must be rather cryptic to most of you.
mil = Militarisiert - militarized
tmil = teilmilitarisiert - partly militarized
gl = geländegängig - with off-road capability (literally terrain-going)
If there is enough interest I could dig up some Italian terminology for you all. But I know the Italians are the lesser Gods of Axis modelling, so I am not going to do that until I'm sure there is a need.

mil = Militarisiert - militarized
tmil = teilmilitarisiert - partly militarized
gl = geländegängig - with off-road capability (literally terrain-going)
If there is enough interest I could dig up some Italian terminology for you all. But I know the Italians are the lesser Gods of Axis modelling, so I am not going to do that until I'm sure there is a need.


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Posted: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 - 11:01 PM UTC
For those who want to learn more German going beyond the WWII or military lingo. 


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Posted: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 - 05:12 AM UTC
Well, she's certainly easier on the eyes than Marco, LOL, but that stud in her lip gives her an annoying lisp.


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Posted: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 - 10:00 PM UTC

Let's just say you can't have it all


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Posted: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 - 10:48 PM UTC
Thanks, Marco
It's very informative, too bad I can't remember it all. I'll have to practice.
It's very informative, too bad I can't remember it all. I'll have to practice.
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